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Last updated: 13 April 2023

Concentrated Solar Power Explained

What is CSP and how does it work?

Solar PV panels are not the only way of generating clean energy from harnessing the sun’s power. Concentrated solar power (or concentrated solar thermal) is a technology that uses mirrors to concentrate sunlight onto a tube or tiny spot, which in turn converts the light into heat. Instead of using that heat directly, as do solar thermal collectors, these systems utilise it to power a steam engine connected to a power generator.

The idea of concentrating sunlight with mirrors and lenses is actually centuries old: although scientists doubts about its accuracy, Archimedes documented that the ancient Greeks used mirrors and light to set enemies’ ships on fire.

Large CSP plants are being built all over the world, and they’re becoming especially popular in places like the Middle East, which have an excellent insulation and benefit from large portions of unused, desert land.

Types of Concentrated Solar Power Technologies

Concentrated Solar Power’s Future

CSP has great potential for growth, and could be covering up to 25% of the world’s energy demand by 2050. Many countries are investing in this technology, with Spain leading the way with more than 50 projects.

The biggest disadvantage of CSP systems is that they work best in places with high insulation, so they may not be suitable for all geographical locations. However places like South America and Africa are great candidates and are predicted to see a huge growth in installations of this kind.

Another drawback of concentrated solar power plants is that they might be dangerous to wildlife, since birds flying too close to the concentrated rays can be killed by the intense heat. However, statistics have shown that the number of fatalities is far lower than that caused by power lines and cars, for instance.

Far more problematic is the need for land to install large systems, since they can’t take advantage of roof space like solar panels. However, the easy solution would be to utilise “low quality” land that is unsuitable for cultivation.

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