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  • Is Polypropylene Eco-Friendly? Stats & Trends
Last updated: 26 April 2024

Is Polypropylene Bad For The Environment? Statistics, Trends, Facts & Quotes

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Polypropylene, a versatile and cost-effective thermoplastic polymer, is extensively used across various industries. Despite its widespread use, the environmental impact of polypropylene has become a topic of concern.

As the world's second-largest plastic resin by production volume, trailing only behind polyethylene, polypropylene, a thermoplastic polymer, is often identified by its chemical formula (C3H6)n. With its applications spanning across packaging, automotive, consumer goods, and medical industries, polypropylene's environmental impact is a critical question for consumers and manufacturers alike. 

The versatility and durability of polypropylene make it a preferred choice for a wide range of applications, contributing to its growing demand in the market.

While polypropylene has certain environmental advantages, such as low production impact and potential for energy recovery, its end-of-life disposal and low recycling rates remain. The increasing global demand for polypropylene underscores the need for improved recycling processes and sustainable practices within the industry.

As society grows increasingly eco-conscious, it is essential to scrutinise the lifecycle of polypropylene and its impact on the planet.

What is Polypropylene Exactly?

Polypropylene, often known as PP, is a thermoplastic polymer that's become a daily staple due to its unique properties. It's a type of polyolefin and is slightly more complicated than polyethylene, with a chemical formula of (C3H6)n

Known for being inflexible, rigid, and crystalline, polypropylene is the lightest polymer among all commodity plastics, making it a versatile material used in various products and industries. 

It has a melting point range of 160 - 165°C for homopolymer and 135 - 159°C for copolymer. This makes it one of the lightest polymers with a density, making it a favourable choice for many applications. 

Different Types of Polypropylene and How They Differ From Each Other

Polypropylene (PP) comes in several types with unique properties and applications. Understanding the differences between these types does help manufacturers and consumers choose the right type for their needs.

Here, we explore the three primary types of polypropylene: Homopolymer (PP-H), Block Copolymer (PP-B), and Random Copolymer (PP-R).

Comparison Table for Polypropylene Types

PropertyHomopolymer (PP-H)Block Copolymer (PP-B)Random Copolymer (PP-R)
StructureHighly regular, no ethyleneCoarser, some ethyleneRandom ethylene integration
Melting PointUp to 167°CLower than PP-HLower than PP-H
ToughnessGoodBetter (high impact strength)Good
ClarityTranslucentLess clearClearer
FlexibilityLess flexibleMore flexibleMore flexible
ApplicationsPackaging, textiles, automotiveIndustrial, housewares, automotiveMedical devices, hot water pipes

The choice between these types of polypropylene depends on the specific requirements of the application, such as the need for clarity, flexibility, or impact resistance. 

Polypropylene Types Key Applications

Type of PolypropyleneKey PropertiesCommon Applications
Homopolymer PolypropyleneHigh strength, durability, chemical resistancePackaging, textiles, automotive parts
Copolymer PolypropyleneImproved flexibility, impact strengthPlastic hinges, living hinges
Random Copolymer PolypropyleneImproved clarity, flexibility, low-temperature impact strengthFood packaging, medical containers
Block Copolymer PolypropyleneHigh impact strength, resistance to cracking and stressAutomotive parts, industrial containers

Global Market and Economic Significance

The global polypropylene market size was valued at approximately £103.5 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.27%, reaching about £157.7 billion by 2028

Usage and Production Statistics

The global production volume of polypropylene was approximately 79.01 million metric tons in 2022. 

The demand for polypropylene in 2022 was 86.74 million tons, with a global production capacity of 97.86 million tons.

It's expected to reach almost 104.99 million metric tons by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 3.6%.

The global polypropylene market was estimated to be £62,061 million in 2022. 

Polypropylene is projected to reach £70,272 million by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 2.1%.

The packaging industry is the major consumer of polypropylene.

The recycled polypropylene market was valued at £6.3 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach £10.3 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 6.34%.

This growth is driven by the diverse applications of the material and its demand across various industries.

Everyday Products Made from Polypropylene

Polypropylene is used to make a myriad of everyday items, including:

  1. Packaging materials: Polypropylene is used as a substitute for paper and cellophane in the packaging industry due to its low cost and flexibility. Materials like pallets, bottles, jars, yoghurt containers, and food packaging
  2. Automotive parts: It produces batteries, bumpers, instrument panels, interior elements, and door trims.
  3. Medical equipment: Due to its chemical, bacterial, and steam sterilisation resistance, polypropylene is used in various medical applications, such as disposable syringes and medical vials.
  4. Household items: Polypropylene is used in the production of plastic containers, pallets, bottles, jars, yoghurt containers, luggage and hot beverage cups
YearGlobal Polypropylene Production (Million Metric Tons)Global Polypropylene Market Size (£ Billion)
2030104.9970.2 (projected)

Polypropylene and the Environmental Impact

The manufacturing process of polypropylene has high impacts on global warming potential, fossil resource depletion, human toxicity, acidification, and petrochemical oxidant formation. 

For instance, the manufacturing process of propylene emits 1.722 kg Oil eq./kg-PP for fossil resource depletion and 0.0042 kg NMVOC/kg-PP for petrochemical oxidant formation. 

This means that the manufacturing process of PP is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, with the widespread use of polypropylene expected to contribute 1.3 billion tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere. 

Furthermore, if thermoplastics like PP are burned, they can discharge toxins and vinyl chloride, posing a severe environmental threat. 

The following table provides a snapshot of the environmental impact of polypropylene production.

Impact CategoryEquivalent per kg of Polypropylene
Global Warming PotentialHigh
Fossil Resource Depletion1.722 kg Oil eq.
Human Toxicity0.077 kg 1,4-DB eq.
Acidification0.0049 kg SO2 eq.
Petrochemical Oxidant Formation0.0042 kg NMVOC
*Note: Data is based on the environmental impact assessment of polypropylene production in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region.

Environmental Impact Per Usage

The environmental impact of polypropylene also extends to its usage. 

For instance, US single-family households generate over 2 billion pounds of PP annually. If just 30% of this material were recovered, it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 311,000 metric tons

Key StatisticsValue
Global Market Size (2022)£62.3 billion
Projected Global Market Size (2028)£70.5 billion
CAGR (2022-2028)2.1%
Polypropylene Capacity (2022)97.65 mtpa
AAGR (2022-2027)>9%
Projected Market Volume (2030)104.99 million metric tons
Post-Consumer Recycling Rate1%
Potential GHG Reduction from 30% Recovery311,000 metric tons

Impact by Country and Industry

The USA and China are major markets for polypropylene, with significant growth expected in the coming years. 

Countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, and Israel account for most of the polypropylene production in the Middle East. 

The UK has traditionally used more polypropylene in Europe than other European countries. In 2022, other key European countries, such as Germany and the Netherlands, will join in the most used polypropylene production.

The packaging industry is a significant consumer of polypropylene, with other major applications in the automotive, building & construction, and medical sectors.

The global key manufacturers of polypropylene include LyondellBasell, SABIC, Exxonmobil, Dupont, INEOS, Total, Formosa, LG Chem, and Sumitomo Chemical.

Polypropylene Environmental Waste

The landfilling of polypropylene waste has significant environmental impacts. As polypropylene degrades, it may release cadmium, a carcinogen toxic to plants and animals. However, polypropylene is considered safer than many other plastics, as it doesn't generate toxic gases when burned.

Recycling Challenges and Opportunities

While polypropylene is fully recyclable, recycling presents several challenges. The properties of recycled polypropylene may differ from those of virgin polypropylene, such as melt-flow rate, molecular weight, or thermal stability. This can limit the use of recycled polypropylene in applications where impact performance and part stability are required.

The recycling process of polypropylene involves several phases, including collection, sorting, cleaning, shredding, separation, and compounding. However, achieving high-quality recycled polypropylene, especially for food-grade applications, requires eliminating all contaminants from post-consumer waste that could harm human health.

Despite these challenges, recycling polypropylene has significant environmental benefits. For instance, recycling one ton of plastic saves 5,774 kilowatt-hours of energy, 16.3 barrels (685 gallons) of oil, and 30 cubic yards of landfill space

Recycling Initiatives and Access

The post-consumer recycling rate of PP worldwide is about 1%, indicating a significant opportunity for improvement. 

Efforts to improve polypropylene recycling are underway. In the US, access to polypropylene recycling collection has increased to 65%, which has led to an estimated additional recovery of 25 million pounds annually

Companies like PureCycle are pioneering processes transforming polypropylene waste into ultra-pure recycled resin. Additionally, the green polypropylene market, which offers a more eco-friendly alternative to traditional polypropylene, is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.6% from 2023 to 2031, reaching a market value of £51.8 million by 2031.

However, the inconsistency of post-consumer plastic waste remains a significant challenge for recyclers.

Sustainable Alternatives to Polypropylene

Given the environmental impact of polypropylene, there is a growing demand for more sustainable alternatives. Bio-based packaging is increasingly being used as a replacement for petroleum-based plastics. 

For instance, Cereplast has developed a range of sustainable resins, in which between 50 and 70 per cent of the traditional petroleum content of the plastic resins has been replaced. 

According to Dr Jane Goodall, a renowned environmentalist,

Every stage of the plastic lifecycle releases harmful carbon emissions into the atmosphere, contributing to global climate change.

Polypropylene's environmental impact is thus twofold: it is both a product of and a contributor to the fossil fuel industry.

Analysis of Polypropylene's Sustainability Profile

Polypropylene is not entirely sustainable, but it is considered more sustainable than many other types of plastic. It is more quickly biodegradable, has a lighter carbon footprint, and doesn't threaten our health.

Moreover, the carbon emissions of recycled PP macro-fibres were 50% less than that of virgin PP, and the water and fossil fuel consumption was reduced by 99%.

However, the production of polypropylene still emits greenhouse gases, and while it is recyclable, not all polypropylene products are recycled.

Alternatives to Polypropylene for Sustainable Packaging

In the quest for more sustainable packaging solutions, several alternatives to polypropylene have emerged:

Sustainable Packaging Alternatives

Bioplastics (PLA)Corn starch, othersYesYesVaries
BagasseSugarcane processingYesYesYes
BambooBamboo plantsYesYesYes
Stone PaperCalcium carbonateYesYesYes
Compostable MailersPlant-based materialsYesYesNo

Comparison with Other Plastics

Polypropylene often has a better environmental profile than polyethene terephthalate (PET) or polystyrene. For instance, it has a lower density than PET, meaning less material is required to produce a product with the same volume. This can lead to a reduction in waste and resource use.

However, polypropylene has its challenges. It is less easily recycled than PET, which has a well-established recycling infrastructure. The complexity of polypropylene recycling means that much of it ends up in landfills or as environmental litter. 

As environmental consultant Dr Lucy Rogers explains,

The recyclability of a material is a crucial factor in its sustainability. Polypropylene's recycling rates are disappointingly low, undermining its potential as a sustainable material.

Sustainability Comparison

MaterialCarbon Footprint (kg CO2 eq/kg)RecyclabilityBiodegradabilityTypical Use Cases
Polypropylene (PP)1.7-2.3MediumNoPackaging, Automotive
PET2.15-3.0HighNoBeverage Bottles
Polystyrene (PS)2.5-3.5LowNoDisposable Cutlery
PLA0.8-1.9LowYes (Industrial)Compostable Packaging
Recycled PP1.1-1.5HighNoVarious Recycled Products

Polypropylene vs. Alternative Materials

Polypropylene competes with various alternative materials depending on the application. For instance, it competes with ABS and AES in the automotive industry. In applications requiring chemical resilience, it competes directly with HDPE and PVC.

Alternative materials to polypropylene include Cyclic Olefin Copolymer (COC), Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate (ASA), and Polycyclohexylenedimethylene.

The table below shows the comparative analysis of polypropylene with other materials regarding energy consumption during production, CO2 emissions, and recyclability.

MaterialPropertiesEnergy Consumption in Production (MJ/kg)CO2 Emissions (kg/kg)RecyclabilityCost (£/kg)
Polypropylene (PP)Semi-rigid, translucent, good chemical resistance, tough, good fatigue resistance, good heat resistance77 - 1103.0Yes0.68
Polyethylene (PE)Flexible, translucent/waxy, weatherproof, good low-temperature toughness, good chemical resistance73 - 851.9Yes0.50
Polystyrene (PS)A clear, hard, brittle, poor barrier to air and water vapour, low melting point91.52.3Yes0.90
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)Good insulation material, resistant to weathering, chemical rotting, corrosion, shock, and abrasion77.21.7Yes0.60
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)Strong, rigid, good barrier properties70-1052.7Moderate1.0-1.4
NylonStrong, lightweight, resistant to damage from oil and many chemicals2506.4Yes2.50
AcrylicTransparent, glass-like aesthetics, high UV resistance, resistant to weathering and chemicals75.33.8Yes2.00
ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)Durable, heat-resistant, impact-resistant952.5Moderate1.5
Acrylonitrile Ethylene Styrene (AES)Good weather ability and UV protection, making it ideal for outdoor applications902.3Moderate1.5
Note: The values are based on available data and expert opinions

Expert Quotes on Polypropylene and Sustainability

Experts in the field of sustainability have weighed in on the use of polypropylene. Dr Markus Lambert, a materials scientist, states,

While polypropylene does have a place in the market, we must be vigilant about its lifecycle impacts and work towards improving its circularity.

This sentiment is echoed by sustainability advocate Sarah Smith, who argues,

The true measure of a material's sustainability is not just its production impact but also its end-of-life scenario. We need to develop better systems for polypropylene reuse and recycling.

For instance, the Blue Shoe Guys states,

Polypropylene consumes the least energy during production and produces the lowest carbon dioxide emissions compared to other plastics

This highlights the material's lower environmental impact during the production phase.

Is Polypropylene Toxic?

Polypropylene is generally considered safe for use. The FDA approves it as a food container material, and no known cancer-causing effects are associated with polypropylene. 

It is also considered the safest of all plastics due to its heat-resistant nature. 

However, like any material, polypropylene has limitations and potential safety concerns. For instance, some studies have shown that certain polypropylene chemicals, such as additives and stabilisers, may leach into the food if the packaging is exposed to high temperatures or acidic foods. 

Quotes from Experts on Polypropylene and Toxicity

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), polypropylene is safer than other plastics. It has an EPA Safer Chemical Ingredients classification.

However, as stated by MedicineNet,

Polypropylene (PP) is usually considered safe for humans. It is considered the safest of all plastics and a robust, heat-resistant plastic. However, few studies have reported that it can leach on plastic additives and cause occupational asthma.

Is Polypropylene Biodegradable?

Research indicates that polypropylene is not biodegradable. It is a type of plastic that can take hundreds, if not thousands, of years to decompose in the environment. In general, polypropylene is not readily biodegradable. Exposure to the environment can take 20 to 30 years to decompose fully.

This is because polypropylene is a synthetic material that microorganisms do not recognise as food, so they do not have the enzymes needed to break it down.

Furthermore, polypropylene is resistant to weathering and chemical rotting, reducing biodegradability. 

However, it's important to note that as polypropylene degrades, it may release harmful substances such as cadmium, a known carcinogen toxic to plants and animals.

MaterialDecomposition TimeCarbon Emissions per kgEquivalent in Miles Driven
Polypropylene20-30 years1.95kg – 3.5kg5.85 miles – 10.4 miles
PolyethyleneOver 500 years6kg18 miles
PolystyreneOver 500 years6kg18 miles
Data sourced from Small99 Materials & Production

How Long Does It Take for Polypropylene to Decompose?

Estimates suggest that polypropylene products can take between 20 to 500 years to decompose in a landfill, depending on the product and environmental conditions. However, in marine environments, where much of the discarded plastic ends up, polypropylene items can take much longer to degrade due to the cooler temperatures and lack of light.

Decomposition Times of Common Materials

MaterialEstimated Decomposition Time in Landfill
Polypropylene20-500 years
PET Plastic Bottle450 years
Aluminium Can80-200 years
Glass Bottle1 million years
Cotton T-shirt1-5 months
Newspaper6 weeks
Note: The data in the table is an estimate, and actual decomposition times can vary based on environmental conditions.

Polypropylene Products Trends

Despite its ubiquity, many people may need to be aware of the current trends in polypropylene products. Here are the trends on these products:

Sustainability and Recyclability

A significant trend in the polypropylene industry is the shift towards sustainability. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on producing recyclable PP products and developing new methods to enhance the recyclability of PP. Companies are also exploring bio-based polypropylene as an alternative to fossil fuel-based plastics, which could significantly reduce the carbon footprint of PP products.

Advanced Manufacturing Techniques

The adoption of advanced manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing, is rising. Polypropylene is becoming a more popular material for 3D printing due to its strength and chemical resistance. This trend is opening up new possibilities for custom and on-demand manufacturing of PP products, which could revolutionise supply chains and reduce inventory costs.

Polypropylene in the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry is another sector where polypropylene is rising. Polypropylene is lightweight, which can help to improve fuel efficiency, and it is also durable and resistant to chemicals, making it suitable for various automotive applications.

According to the Plastic Trade Association, in 2020, among the different types of plastics used in the manufacturing of automobiles, PP accounted for a leading share of 32%.

High-Performance Applications

There's an increasing demand for high-performance PP in various sectors, including automotive, medical, and packaging. Innovations in polypropylene composites are enabling the creation of lighter, stronger, and more heat-resistant products. For example, using PP in-vehicle components in the automotive industry helps reduce weight, improve fuel efficiency, and lower emissions.

Polypropylene Market Trends

YearGlobal Market Size (GBP)Growth RateKey Trend
202158 billion3.5%Sustainability Initiatives
202260 billion3.4%Advanced Manufacturing
202362 billion3.3%High-Performance Applications
202464 billion3.2%Increased Recyclability
202566 billion3.1%Bio-based Polypropylene
  1. Clean Label Packaging: Food packaging has a rising demand for clean-label items. Polypropylene, being chemically inert and heat-resistant, is ideal for this purpose as it restricts chemical leakage into food and is suitable for microwave use.
  2. Sustainable Packaging: The industry is moving towards more sustainable packaging solutions. Polypropylene is recyclable, and its use in eco-friendly packaging, such as screw caps and retort pouches, is increasing.
  3. Convenience and Lightweight Packaging: There is a growing preference for convenient and lightweight packaging solutions. Polypropylene retort pouches, designed for heat sterilisation of food and beverages in sealed containers, are famous for their light weightness and convenience.
  4. Extended Shelf Life: Polypropylene packaging is being used to extend the shelf life of food and beverage products. It provides an effective seal to prevent spoilage and maintain freshness.
  5. Innovation in Packaging Solutions: Technological advancements are leading to the creation of innovative polypropylene packaging options. These include advanced mould technology, innovative heating, and blowing features for bottle quality.
  6. Growth in E-commerce and Online Food Delivery: The rise of e-commerce and online food delivery services drives the demand for polypropylene packaging, which offers safety, hygiene, and convenience.
  7. Customisation and Aesthetics: The food and beverage industry focuses on product differentiation, driving the demand for customised and aesthetically pleasing polypropylene packaging.
  8. Market Growth: The global polypropylene food and beverage packaging market is expected to grow at a fast CAGR of 3.56% from 2023 to 2030.

The Future of Polypropylene

The future of polypropylene (PP) is promising, with the market projected to grow significantly in the coming years. This growth is driven by increasing demand from various end-use industries such as packaging, automotive, building & construction, and healthcare. 

The global polypropylene market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.5% from 2022 to 2030, reaching a value of £136.415 billion by 2030. 

Regarding environmental trends, the focus on sustainability and recyclability is expected to continue. Companies are increasingly exploring innovative recycling techniques, such as advanced mechanical recycling and innovative depolymerisation, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of polypropylene recycling. 

Developing biodegradable polypropylene and using agricultural residues and waste fish in polypropylene composites are also being explored. 

Quotes from Thought Leaders on the Future of Polypropylene

The thing about polypropylene that makes it a beauty and a curse is that it's so diverse. It's so adaptable. You can use polypropylene in many applications, making it a good feedstock for almost everything. Though polypropylene recycling is broken, but we're fixing it.

This statement encapsulates the current state of polypropylene recycling and the industry's commitment to improving it.

In response to these environmental concerns, there is growing interest in recycled polypropylene. Recycling polypropylene waste is generally considered environmentally preferable compared to other options.

However, it is important to note that its production and disposal do not solely determine the environmental footprint of a material. The entire material lifecycle, including its use and potential for recycling, should be considered when evaluating its environmental impact.

As the industry continues to innovate and adapt to changing environmental and market trends, polypropylene is set to remain a vital material in various sectors.

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