Making the UK greener, one house at a time
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Inemesit Ukpanah


Author's expertise


  • Solar panels
  • Heat pumps
  • Renewable energy
  • Environmental impacts
Author's experience


  • 120+ articles written
  • Work featured across 5 sites
  • Writing for GreenMatch since
    May 2023

About Inemesit

Inemesit is a seasoned writer and researcher with years of experience specialising in sustainability and green technologies. She leverages her expertise to guide readers through the complexities of renewable energy, focusing on eco-friendly solutions and energy efficiency. Inemesit's work is driven by her passion for environmental sustainability and her commitment to providing readers with practical, unbiased advice on making their homes more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Her articles often explore innovative ways to enhance the use of green lifestyle to reduce environmental footprints, such as incorporating renewable energy solutions, selecting sustainable materials for home renovations, energy efficiency and employing energy-saving techniques. Inemesit's ability to break down technical subjects into accessible, engaging content helps homeowners make informed decisions.

When she's not writing, Inemesit enjoys exploring eco-friendly travel destinations and experimenting with sustainable living practices in her own home. She firmly believes that by collectively embracing renewable energy and sustainable practices, we can create a better, more sustainable world for future generations.

Empowering homeowners to make sustainable choices isn't just about energy efficiency—it's about crafting a legacy of responsibility and respect for our planet. Every small change in our homes can lead to significant positive environmental impacts. Let's build a future where our homes are not just spaces for living, but also beacons of sustainability and innovation

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