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Last updated: 24 March 2021

Climate Change Denial: Faces and Facts

A study by Skeptical Science has shown that 97% of researchers agree that anthropogenic climate change is a real and imminent threat to nature and society.

However, there are few people out there who don’t quite agree.

Behind all the outrageous and controversial statements about climate change by President Trump and his administration are some scientists that attempt to actually disprove the arguments for human-induced climate change.
The scientists listed have different, but somewhat similar views on climate change. Many, if not all, believe that it is caused by nature and/or is not threatening to our planet.

GreenMatch created an informative infographic below to summarise some of these scientists’ statements, backgrounds, and opinions.

Imfographic About Climate Change Sceptics

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There’s a common pattern in the argumentation of climate change sceptics:
‘climate changes all the time’; ‘It’s the sun’s cycle that causes variation in temperature’, and so on.

But how can we react in case of confrontation with those arguments?

The most important thing to remember is to not point your finger but rather back your argument up with factual evidence.
Below we listed the most common arguments that sceptics use and how research by renowned institutions are debunking them.

Infographic about Climate Change Denial

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All in all, most research shows that anthropogenic climate change is indeed happening and a lot of researchers agree. However, it is difficult to implement policies and procedures that help fight this as some powerful researchers and politicians still disagree with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Fact is, there’s a lot of decisions to make that could affect the future of our planet and to join the conversation it is important to stay informed and on track.

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