Making the UK greener, one house at a time
Media & Testimonials
Last updated: 24 March 2021

Energy Vampires: Are You Ready for the Hunt?

Did you know that around 15% of your electricity bill is caused by Energy Vampires? No?! Then you are in the right place. The latest infographic by GreenMatch will help you learn more about it!

Infographic about Energy Vampires

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Energy Vampires are in every house! They are all that appliances that you think are off but still consume electricity, either because they are plugged-in, have a battery, a LED status light, or some other kind of charge that keep them powered on.

These are more commonly known as devices in standby power, and they are sometimes not easily recognisable, even though an average of 40-50 Energy Vampires can be found in most households.
The sustainability of our planet, as well as the energy efficiency of our houses, are highly affected by the way consumer behaves.

First, one of the main consequences of having Energy Vampires around is that they are responsible for causing 1% of global CO2 emissions. Second, they increase your electricity bill in the long run because of the unused (and most of the time unnecessary) energy consumption due to standby power.

Fostering awareness on the topic and improving technologies, have become the main goals the international community has been trying to achieve since 1999.

During that year, the IEA (International Energy Agency) has launched the One-Watt Initiative, asking the producers to design electrical devices that would consume max. 1 Watt when in standby power. The goal was successfully reached in 2010 and further expanded to 0,5 Watt per device in standby by 2013.

The scientific community has stated that overall standby power consumption could be reduced by 75% by managing power use more carefully, estimating savings of up to 10 watts.

Here some pieces of advice for taking the big step:

  • Use power strips
  • Buy low-standby products
  • Unplug, when the standby power is not strictly necessary

Save Your Energy! Kill the Vampires!