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Last updated: 7 November 2023

A Guide to Increase the Energy Efficiency in your Home

Cut Your Energy Expenses!

At GreenMatch we decided to simplify your life by listing some measures you can undertake to make your house more energy-efficient and save money on your energy bill.

Our previous blog post concerned general tips you can enforce to make sure energy in your house is efficient. In this article, we focus on the improvements that can be implemented to cut your energy expenses in the long term.


Guide House Efficiency
    • Turn down the water pressure when taking a shower: You do not need strong water pressure to get clean faster! You can also install a frothier on your showerhead and on your main taps.
    • Use a dual flush on your toilets: This will enable you to save water; thus, decrease your water bill.
    • Get a shower timer installed inside your shower: Being conscious about the time spent taking your shower will help reduce the amount of water consumed.  


Guide House Efficiency
    • Reduce the room temperature: You have blankets and a pyjamas to keep you warm while sleeping.
    • Use light bulbs that have low consumption: mainly LED bulbs as they use 75% less energy than regular bulbs.
    • Unplug electronic devices when you don’t use them: Indeed, they still use electricity
    • If you live in a cold region, it is better to get double glazed windows installed. Good insulation will help you keep the heat from the sun.


Guide House Efficiency5
    • When possible, choose to use the microwave instead of the oven. It uses 50% less energy to heat food.
    • Get your boiler serviced frequently to benefit from the best efficiency it can deliver!
    • Use a kettle instead of boiling the water on stoves: This will decrease your energy consumption and keep water warm for longer time due to the better insulation.
    • Invest in an energy egg: With this little device, you can automatically turn off lights when you leave the room, due to the motion detector.

Living room

Guide House Efficiency
    • Install a thermostat to be able to regulate the room’s temperature according to your needs. This can help you save energy and money when for example the weather is nice outside.
    • Bleed your radiators regularly to make sure they stay efficient. A good maintenance can help your domestic devices stay operational longer than usual.
    • If you have a chimney, you can install a chimney balloon to diminish the heat that is lost in the evacuation pipe. This process could help you save up to £153 per year.
    • Make sure to turn off your appliances (TV, radio,etc.) or use the eco button to reduce the use of electricity.


Guide House Efficiency4

Install cavity wall insulation to be sure your home is well insulated. It will help you decrease your energy loss and thus save money.

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If you want to invest in a sustainable source of energy such as a boiler, a heat pump or solar panels in the UK, you can fill out the contact form on the top of this page. By providing us with your contact details and a specific enquiry, we will be able to suggest you interesting offers from different suppliers located close to your place and that match your requirements. Do not hesitate any longer, this service is free of charge and with no obligation!

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