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Last updated: 24 March 2022

The Various Uses of Geothermal Energy

Read About the Many Uses of Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy use is much more common in some areas of the world than others. Countries like the United States, France, New Zealand and Japan are among the leaders in geothermal energy use. Interestingly, Reykjavik in Iceland is the capital city of geothermal energy, since it gets nearly all of its energy from local springs and wells. Geothermal energy has more useful sides than one could imagine. More and more people are showing their interest in this alternative type of energy and have begun to install geothermal heating units for their home or business.

Geothermal Energy for Houses

The use of geothermal energy enables you to cool down the temperature in your house during hot periods. The technology takes the hot air from your house and transfers it down to the ground, where the air naturally cools down. After that, the chilled air will be sent back to your house through the pipes. The reverse geothermal heating process will take place during the cold winter months when warmer temperatures are generated in your house by tapping into an underground heat exchange.

Geothermal Energy for Farms

Geothermal energy is widely used among farmers to heat their greenhouses. Thanks to this technology, it is even possible to grow tropical plants such as citrus trees in the middle of the winter. Countries such as Hungary and Italy have been using geothermal energy for many decades to grow vegetables regardless of the weather conditions.


Another field where geothermal energy is necessary is in fish farms. Tropical fish and other aquatic animals need warm water to survive and geothermal energy system is a suitable way to provide it.

Geothermal Energy for Industries

Geothermal energy is used for drying different kinds of foods – mostly fruits and vegetables. It can also be used in the process of extracting precious metals from ore.

Geothermal Energy for Infrastructure

Interestingly, countries such as the Netherlands have started to use geothermal energy to keep bike roads from icing in the colder seasons. Therefore, geothermal energy is a great source for preventing sidewalks and roads from freezing in winter.

Bicycle Tyre

Geothermal heat pumps require professional installation and implementation. If you are considering to use geothermal heating, we can provide you with a free service without any obligations:

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