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Last updated: 24 March 2022

Electric Fires: Why Would You Buy One?

What is an Electric Fire?

With the latest developments in the field of visual graphics, home design and energy efficiency, the electric fire appliances which once used to be bulky, expensive and simply unattractive, are gradually replacing the conventional fireplaces, by resembling the same real flame appearance as gas or wood-burning hearths. Electric fires have been around since the 1980s, but it took a decade and a successful introduction of the first electric fireplace that contained a realistic wood burning effect, in order for the electric fires to emerge as a viable alternative to the conventional fireplaces, steadily becoming an essential part of the mainstream.

In the past ten years the sales of electric fireplaces have increased considerably, owing it to the beautiful fire effects these are able to create and to due to its ease of use. In terms of functionality and cost efficiency, an electric fire station could prove a perfect solution for those who are on the budget and cannot afford installing a chimney, but are looking to recreate the same welcoming and cozy atmosphere, that an actual fireplace usually does. It can be regarded as a practical substitute for those who do not contemplate the idea of using the gas or solid fuel (wood, coal) as means of sustaining the fire in a fireplace, at the same time providing a clean and environmentally friendly approach that keeps you warm and comfortable.


An electric fire stove can not only be used for esthetic purposes, but as an actual heater, consuming somewhere between 1.4kW and 1.6 kW, that can heat a 400 sq ft (37 m2) room. The heating principle behind the functioning of an electric fire comes down to a string of metal coils, which are heated once electricity is passed through, producing a certain amount of warm, that later is spread across the room with the help of a fan installed in the back of the electric fire station.

When it comes to buying an electric fireplace, there are a multitude of products to choose from, depending on your budget allowance, and personal preferences. Starting from hearth mounted electric fires, which do not require a chimney in order to be installed, to wall mounted electric fires, that can be easily relocated from one place to another, and built in high efficiency electric fires, which delivers a cutting edge technology, in terms of style, functionality and productivity.

The pros to consider when looking for an electric fireplace would include the following:

    • It bears no installation or maintenance costs. To turn the electric fire on, you will need to plug it in and switch on the power supply.
    • Electric fires can be easily incorporated in any kind of rooms, due to a mixture of options to choose from, in terms of color, shape and flame effects.
    • It is a much cheaper version, compared to a conventional fireplace.
    • Low operational costs, whereas electric fireplaces usually have a low energy consumption rate.
    • Are more safer and suitable for daily use.
    • Can be easily moved from one room to another.
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