Making the UK greener, one house at a time
Media & Testimonials
Last updated: 25 March 2024

Top 100 Green Initiatives 2015

The number of organisations, businesses and people that are striving for sustainability and more eco-friendly lifestyles is increasing. At we have decided to acknowledge some of these and have gathered 100 sites that deserve special recognition for their efforts in the green energy field.These websites contain excellent resources, media, news and initiatives devoted to our environment and its sustainability. Congratulations to all those listed under our five categories:

Top 100 Green Initiatives 2015

The chosen sites may embed this badge on their websites (copying the code below)

Top 20 Green Bloggers

1. Green Peace UK

Greenpeace UK Circle

"We are passionate about protecting the Earth – the only life support system we have. We are independent. That means we can tackle power, not problems. We do this by investigating, documenting and exposing the causes of environmental destruction. We work to bring about change through political lobbying, citizen action and consumer pressure. And we will take peaceful direct action to protect this fragile planet and promote the solutions for a green and peaceful future." @GreenpeaceUK

2. The Ecologist

Ecologist Circle

"The Ecologist shot to fame in 1972 for devoting an entire issue to its Blueprint for Survival, a radical manifesto for change that proposed, amongst other reforms, the formation of a movement for survival. 
This led to the creation of the People Party, later renamed the Ecology Party and finally the Green Party. The Blueprint for Survival went on to sell more than 750,000 copies in paperback, and you can read the original edition online by looking in 1972 in the archive. @the_ecologist

3. Rob Hopkins, Transition Network

Rob Hopkins Circle

"I am continually inspired by the amazing work that communities can do when they set about working to make their communities and their economies more resilient.  A lot of what I do is gathering those stories and telling them, and it’s phenomenal what’s happening, the gentle revolution happening all around us that many people may not even be aware of" - Rob Hopkins @transitionnetwork 

4. Wrap


"We work at all points around the resource ‘loop’ – preventing and minimising waste, re-using, and recycling. We are able to bring together groups of people who might not naturally work together. This means we can mobilise action to address market failures where there is a disconnect between who needs to take action and who benefits." @WRAP_UK

5. Philip Booth

Philip Booth Circle

Philip has worked hard on the blog for many years and has very recently relinquished overall control of it to share it with mother and daughter team Suzanne and Kiera Jones.
"The Ruscombe Blog hopes to inform and inspire people to go green in their private lives by highlighting local green events and the rewards that can be gained by acting responsibly towards the environment.
It also hopes to create a greater awareness of global issues and that we urgently need to change political policies to be able to combat climate change to keep the world inhabitable for all life. It will be used to support the Stroud and Cotswold election campaigns." - Ruscombe Green Team

6. Me Eco You Eco

Me Eco You Eco Circle

"I started this blog back in October 2010 with the very altruistic goal of empowering people to “do one good green deed a day”. Four years later, working within the environment sectors, has made me a little more realistic but no less optimistic. I hope this blog informs and inspires in whatever way you see best for what you need to do to make the world a better place." - Rea Cris @MeecoYoueco

7. My Zero Waste, The Green Family


"The overall purpose of my zero waste is to help householders reduce the amount of rubbish sent to landfill. We show on a daily basis HOW we are reducing our own landfill waste by highlighting the pitfalls and sharing our mistakes and successes!"

"Landfill space is running out, incineration can lead to toxic fumes being released and we dump many items that still have useful life in them. Our overall aim of our site is to inspire and educate other people to reduce their landfill waste as much as possible. We aim to show that a zero waste UK is achievable through practical, workable and realistic steps." @myzerowaste

8. Little Green Blog, The Green Family

Greens Circleee

At number 8 we have The Greens again! Their other family owned blog, Little Green Blog has found its way into the Top 10! Here's more about the blog:

"I’m a thirty something woman (Mrs Green) living with my gorgeous husband (Mr Green), our daughter (Little Miss Green) and cat (Pussus Cattus Green) in semi-rural UK.

If you are committed to a greener way of life, or are just starting out on the path of eco awareness, then you might find something within these blog pages to interest you.

I have a passion to share information I have gathered over the years in the hope that
 someone else can benefit from it too." @LittleGreenBlog

9. Sophia's Choice, Charlie

Sophiaschoice CIRCLE

Sophia’s Choice is a Green Lifestyle Blog written by Holistic Therapist and Mum of 2, Charlie Hughes. When first launched, the blog was a way of documenting the early choices we’d made for our eldest daughter, Sophia, which were of an organic, natural, eco-friendly and green nature. The blog has evolved and now covers natural skincare, health & wellbeing, craft for kids and fair-trade, eco-friendly & green products for the whole family. Sophia’s Choice aims to empower and inspire you to make wiser, healthier, more conscious choices for both yourself and your family. @SophiasChoiceUK

10. Eco Thrifty Living


"Being eco friendly and thrifty has helped me to quit my day job, lose 2 stone in weight and to be able to be there for my children whenever they need me. I am passionate about continually finding new ways to save money and the planet because I want to help preserve the earth for future generations and I am happier, healthier and love my life. Although many ask what difference can one person make, my answer to that is this: I would rather be part of the solution than part of the problem! I love writing my blog and hope that it is a useful resource for others." - Zoe @Ecothrifty

11. Alan's Energy Blog

Alans Energy Blog CIRCLE

Alan is a member of the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Select Committee, as well as the Environmental Audit Select Committee.  He has been a member of the Public Bill Committees for every major piece of UK energy and climate change legislation in recent years, including the Climate Change Act 2008.  He also chairs a number of cross-party groups on these issues. @alanwhiteheadmp

12. Green Choices

Green Choices CIRCLE

"Green Choices encourages everyone in Britain to make ecologically sound decisions in living their everyday lives. We aim to empower you with simple, direct information on green alternatives which make a real, lasting difference.Green Choices offers these suggestions and information on the basis of its own research and that of other reputable organisations. The information is provided in good faith, and we use many of the products and services ourselves." @Green_Choices

13. Green Wise Blog

Green Wise Blog Circle

On what sustainability is:"We want the GreenWise Blog to act as a platform for the regular exchange of practical wisdom, not the self-promoting tool that characterises so many of the online forums." - GreenWise Blog Team

"Very few businesses can answer that question and yet sustainability is the most pressing economic challenge of our decade. Many believe moving to a low carbon economy means sacrificing profitability, but that’s misguided and we’re here to help." - GreenWise Blog Team @Green_Wise

14. Brighter Shade of Green, Yanar Alkayat

Yanar Alkayat Biog Pic CIRCLE

I started life on the beauty desks of women’s magazines and then moved online to work on, and other women’s titles. My passion has always been in natural health and beauty so I started my blog to support brands and initiatives who tread more carefully on the planet and on others. I believe in conscious consumerism and hope one day all brands will think about the impact they have on their workers, planet and us. My blog today is a mixture of holistic health and natural beauty, ethical lifestyle and observations on life. @YanarBeauty

15. The Green Register

The Green Register Circle

As Green Register's focus is on Green Building, here are their thoughts on the issue."The Green Register is an independent, self-funded and not-for-profit organisation whose principal goal is to promote sustainable building practices across all disciplines of the construction industry." - The Green Register Team

"Building to green or sustainable principles is an holistic approach that addresses social, environmental and economic issues. It is not a style or fashion but an enduring set of principles that looks at all aspects of construction from site preparation through to reuse, recycling and reclamation. Sustainable building considers how the construction will affect the wellbeing of people and natural ecosystems." - The Green Register Team @greenregister

16. Crafty Green Poet

Crafty Green Poet Juliet

Edinburgh based blogger, Juliet Wilson is a writer, conservation volunteer and adult education tutor (teaching creative writing and leading birdwatching walks) . Her first poetry chapbook Bougainvillea Dancing raised money for charities working in Malawi. Her second chapbook Unthinkable Skies was published in 2010 by Calder Wood Press. A selection of the poems from Unthinkable Skies is also available as a CD with musical accompaniment from Edinburgh musical project Belvedere Mountain Express. She is currently working on her first novel. @craftygreenpoet

17. The Green Gables Blog, Gabrielle


On this blog I share glimpses into my life with my husband and dog in the English countryside as well as my love of stationery, color, positivity and a peek into my life running the green gables.""I’m Gabrielle and I illustrate, design and create gorgeous and green gifts and stationery that help you get organized, connect with others in a real and tangible way, and spread a little joy in the world. Most days you’ll find me in my garden studio in rural Surrey where I live with my husband and little dog. @thegreengable

18. MIMI Myne


 "I started up when I was looking for great sustainable designs for my two sons, and couldn’t find eco designs that were also practical and gorgeous. Things have changed since then as there are so many great designers for kids nowadays, but Mimi Myne is still aiming to showcase the best sustainable designs for children in the UK and Europe."

Even though Mimi Myne is not trading anymore, we want to pay special tributes to them by having them as one of our Top 20 "Greenest" Blogs!

19. My Make Do And Mend Year

Mymakedoandmendyear CIRCLE

"I like to think of this blog as kind of like the modern girl’s (or guys!) guide to living The Good Life. Hopefully it will provide you with some inspiration for your very own Pre-loved life..!

In September 2012, we embarked upon a year of Buying Nothing New, and this blog was born as a way of documenting our journey-our trials and tribulations, and our triumphs too!
My Make Do and Mend Year officially ended at the end of August 2013, but the ethos and the blog live on!" @jengale_

20. Green Steve


"Being aware of my environment is something I have always been good at BUT by this I mean I was aware of things that impacted me directly. I was not so good at seeing the bigger picture. I was not so good at seeing how the general environment, the one that six and a half billion people rely on, was changing and how everything is connected like a join the dots puzzle." @GreenSteve_com

Top 20 Green Schools

1. EDF Energy - Join the Pod

London School Of Economics

'We're delighted to be recognized by Green Match UK for our schools programme the Pod. Educating young people about energy, science and sustainability is very important to EDF Energy and we're really pleased to have reached 19,500 schools across the UK and in 36 countries across the world with our resources and green campaigns.' - Robyn Thorn, Education Programme Manager. @edfenergy

2. London School of Economics

London School Of Economics

“LSE’s sustainability journey began in 2005 when we first adopted our Environmental Policy. We have a target to reduce our carbon emissions by 54% by 2020 and therefore we have installed solar PV and CHP units in many of our buildings.

Our next major project is to ensure the redevelopment of our Centre Buildings is as sustainable as possible, and to meet the very high energy efficiency targets we have set ourselves.” - Jon Emmett, Sustainability Projects Officer.” @StudyLSE

3. University of Liverpool

University Of Liverpool

The University of Liverpool is renowned for its research on sustainable energy. Its “Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy” breaks the barriers of what can be achieved through green energy. Researchers at the University of Liverpool have discovered innovated green products which are being commercialized on a global scale. @livuni

4. Eco Schools

Eco Schools

Eco Schools is an international programme with the goal of educating students to change our world into becoming more sustainable, by engaging them in action-orientated learning. Through their seven step process improvement in the local environment will be seen through enhancements in the learning outcomes and behavior of the students. @EcoSchools

5. Green Energy Nayland

Green Energy Nayland

Green Energy Nayland is a community enterprise with the goal of bringing renewable energy to the local area. Various initiatives were undertaken, such as introducing renewable energy in the Nayland Primary School, which saved money for the school and additionally generated more income annually through the instalment of solar panels. 

6. Ilmington C of E Primary School

Ilmington C Of E Primary School

Illmingtons C of E Primary School is part of the Eco Schools program which encourages UK schools to take the initiative and make a positive impact on their surrounding environment. The school is recipient of numerous awards such as International School Awards and Eco Schools Green Flag, to name a few.

7. Barnes primary school

Barnes Primary School

Recipient of the Eco Schools Green Flag, Barnes Primary School is a leader in its community through the many ways in which the school works towards achieving a healthier and cleaner environment. Through different programs, the school is educating their students on how to work together to take care of their community, therefore assure the building of a long term greener environment. @Barnes_Primary

8. Avenue Primary School

Avenue Primary School

Through its many green initiatives such as raising money for installments of solar panels, Avenue Primary School is working its way on the path to becoming a more sustainable school. Part of the Eco Schools program and many more, Avenue Primary School shows perseverance in reaching its goal and influencing others in its community to do so. 

9. Christow Community Primary School

Christow Community Primary School

Christow Community Primary School hopes to achieve great educational benefits, free electricity, a long-term income and reducing the carbon footprint as a result of their green initiatives. Their students have been taking part in work including learning about energy saving, energy audits and behavioural change aimed at reducing use as well as fundraising. and on facebook

10. Hethersett Junior School

Heathersett Junior School

Energy saving has been high on the agenda for Hethersett Junior School in the last years. With the development of an Eco team, the school took initiatives in installing double glazing and LED lights, the next step was starting to generate their own clean energy. Among this, the school is involved in different campaign such as the “Food For Life Campaign” which further increases the school’s positive impact on its community.

11. Newnham Croft Primary School

Newnham Croft Primary School

Through various environmental reviews conducted by the Eco Committee, Newnham Croft Primary School has produced an eco “Action Plan” which contains the necessary steps which the school needs to take in order to improve is environmental impact and become more sustainable in the process.

12. St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School

St Bartholomew ’s CE Primary School

Whilst the Eco-Committee takes the lead on planning and implementing recycling, healthy schools and energy saving projects, it is very important that as many pupils, teachers and staff participate in as many projects as possible. For pupils to really engage with Eco-Schools and feel proud of their achievements, the Eco-Committee needs to ensure the whole school is involved.

13. St Columb Minor Academy

St Columb Minor Academy

In its efforts to become a sustainable school, St. Columb Minor Academy has raised funding for investing in green energy and has managed to install a 10KW solar system. Therefore, the school can now generate its own electricity. This is another great step on the school's journey to becoming a truly sustainable school and inspiring others to follow the same path. @ColumbMinorAcad

14. Charlestown Academy

Charlestown Academy

For many years it has been the ambition of the school to reduce its carbon footprint. Now in addition to their ground source heat pump which was installed in 1977, the school has installed a solar rig. Such initiatives places Charlestown Academy on our list of Top 20 Green Schools.

15. Shebbear College

Shebbear College

Shebbear College is committed to the concept and practice of sustainability. The school participates in the Eco Schools Programs, having renewable energy initiatives which includes a biomass plant, solar array, biodiesel, wind turbine and electrical car charging point. It is because of this and much more that we will like to acknowledge Shebbear College in our list of Green Schools. @ShebbearCollege

16. The Skinners’ School

The Skinners ' School

The Skinners' School is working on a number of projects relating to the theme of sustainability. To reduce energy consumption there are on-going campaigns to switch off laptops and projectors, and to install proximity light switches in classrooms. . A small roof mounted turbine produces the energy for a display screen inside school that shows the weather data as it is recorded, and 60 solar panels provide enough power to run the entire science building, kitchens and sixth form study areas. @LeopardTweets

17. Ysgol Stanwell School

Stanwell School Logo

Stanwell aims to excel at the promotion of environmental awareness both within the school and the wider community. The school encourages respect for the environment throughout all aspects of school life. Recipient of the Eco School Green Flag Award, Stanwell school continues to implement the 3 R’s, “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” within the school and is now working with different groups and the Healthy Schools team to reach goals in other areas such as supporting the Fair Trade scheme, improving school grounds, developing global links and encouraging healthy living. @StanwellSchool

18. Adcote School

Adcote School

Adcote School has a Junior and Senior Eco Team which run different green initiatives. The school has devised an “Eco Code” which is put in every class to encourage eco friendliness to help in achieving the Eco School Green Flag. Adcote is trying to introduce a new waste disposal system that will encourage producing less waste. @AdcoteSchool

19. E.P. Collier Primary School and Nursery

E P Collier

Through various fund raising projects, E.P. Collier Primary School and Nursery has managed to raise capital for installation of solar panels in the school. Member of the Eco Schools program, the school encourages others to take steps toward achieving sustainability. Due to its dedication in the green energy field, we have considered the school as a contender in our Top 20 Green Schools category. @epcollier

20. Duke of Norfolk

Duke Of Norfolk Primary School

The Duke of Norfolk School is working towards achieving their GREEN flag eco award this year, currently holding the silver award. The school is in the process of reviewing their action plan and making the few changes needed to gain the top Eco schools award.


Top 20 Green Projects

1. Eden Project


The Eden Project is attraction situated in Cornwall and it is the largest rainforest in captivity. Complex is dominated by two enormous enclosures which are home for many plants collected from all around the world. The Eden Project opened on the 17th March 2001. and its name originate form the 1994 TV series Earth 2. Eden is a place where each person can explore its dependence on the nature and take inspiration on how to preserve the environment and make the Earth a better place to live.  @edenproject

2. Chatham Green Project


The Chatham Green Project is both conservation and education initiative focused on sustainable use of land. The projects aims to explore the most effective ways of utilising land for the needs of farming and nature in the 21st century. Some of the key features of the Chatham Green Project include planting of more than 12, 000 trees, restoration of a wildflowers meadow and education program aimed to educate over 2,000 schools each year.  @WildernessUK

3. People Tree

People Tree

People Tree is a fair trade apparel company that makes unique garments with respect for people and the planet.

Without working and consuming sustainably, we don’t have a future. Conventional products – fashion, food, even energy – are produced but completely ignore the planets’ limited resources. How is that sustainable? As ethical consumers, we all have to support companies working for social change and help put pressure on the industry to push for better and greener business practice. People Tree delivers both environmental and social best practice within the fashion industry.-Safia Minney

4. Beyond skin

Beyond Skin

Beyond Skin is Ethical Footwear and fashion label that creates handmade and 100% vegan and environmentally friendly ladies shoes. Idea behind the brand is to bring  style and quality to those that care. All the shoes are made of the finest recycled leather free fabric in collaboration with suppliers that reduce the carbon footprint whenever it is possible. 

We are challenging the preconception of ethical fashion. It's a great driver for the team at Beyond Skin, and we thrive off the philosophy of the brand! - Heather Whittle @BeyondSkinTweet

5. Recycled Fashion

Recycled Fashion

Recycled Fashion is sustainable fashion blog dedicated to charity shops, vintage stores, garage sales. DIY and recycled fashion wardrobe pieces. 

Our adult society has lost touch with the world around us and we have lost the innocence of simply 'being', without the constant cycle of working to get more money, to buy a bigger car, a bigger house or a holiday.  If we all take small steps and small changes in our busy lives, it might just be possible to reignite the passion we once had with the simple things, and gain respect for the fragile planet we call home.- Erica Louise @FashionRecycled

6. Style with Heart

Style with heart logo

Style With Heart is a website created to promote eco-ethical fashion brands that are really trying to make a difference.  The blog and magazine were included to educate visitors to the site and also inspire and get them thinking about the clothes they wear.

I have worked in the world of ‘fashion’ for the past 20 years and began meeting people who set up clothing companies with the aim of helping people in their supply chain and minimising their impact on the environment. - Gillian Osrin  @StyleWithHeart

7. Goodone

Goodone _logo _resized

Goodone Goodone is fashion label that reflect contemporary London through modern design that satisfy hunger for evolving concepts in style, while addressing the environmental impact of the fashion industry.

At Goodone design is our priority, function and sustainability a necessity. We are passionate about proving that sustainability does not need to be at the expense of good design. - Nin J.A.Castle  @Goodone_Tweets

8. Just For


Just For is a fashion brand and is a wholly owned project of Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). EJF’s work is targeted and effective - their evidence of illegal fishing in West Africa has prompted arrests; they have secured action from the US State Department towards halting human trafficking and their investigative work into the Uzbek cotton industry led to governments signing UN conventions to end forced labour.

We're committed to promoting sustainable fashion as a way of helping to protect people and planet.-Nausheen Hasan  @EJFshop

9. Greenhost

Green Host

Greenhost is energy efficient webhosting platform that offers fresh approach to sustainability and supports projects in the field of education, journalism and culture. Greenhost strive towards paper-free office and business trips in electric vehicles.

We are nerds. We love technology. But there is very little fun in keeping thousands of machines up and running 24/7 if you know that you are burning the planet at the same time. We satisfied every nerds dream by pushing the limits of machine optimisation and got a green platform in due course. - Douwe Schmidt  @greenhost

10. Claire Potter Design

Clarie Potter

Claire Potter Design is Brighton based studio committed to producing innovative, exciting and sustainable interior and landscape design solutions.

We strive to create projects that are not only innovative and beautiful, but are fully responsible with the materials and processes that we use. We design using reclaimed and repurposed pieces and love to show that ‘ethical’ design can also be high quality, contemporary and suitable for both commercial and private settings. As designers, we have a huge responsibility for the projects we create and we try to make a big visual impact with a little environmental impact.- Claire Potter  @ClairePotter

11. Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Dancing Rabbit

 Dancing Rabbit is a community with the goal of growing and being a self-reliant town with residents committed to radical environmental sustainability. This ecovillage strives for self-sufficiency and economic independence with the integral goals such as outreach and education.

At Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, we are showing that human beings can live joyful, thriving, connected lives using only 10% of the resources of the modern Westerner. We believe that community is the secret ingredient in sustainability, and a world that works for everyone. - Danielle for Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage  @dancingrabbit

12. Green Alliance

Green -alliance logo

Green Alliance is charity organisation focused on ambitious leadership for the environment. During the past decades organisation worked with a growing network, NGOs and politics in order to increase support, stimulate new way of thinking and dialogue on environmental policy. Their work include projects involved in deep research and advocacy by experts in the field. Green Alliance was lunched in 1970 with main aim of ensuring that political priorities of the UK are determined within an ecological perspective.  @GreenAllianceUK

13. Otesha Project

Otesha -main -logo

Otesha is a community of people who see their lives as a powerful tool for environmental and social changes. Otesha is involved in day to day choices while at same time inspiring people tot ale positive and innovative action for cleaner and greener environment. Young people from various backgrounds are empowered by Otesha to lead in creating change for themselves, their community and the world. During the summer season members of Otesha organisation are hopping on bikes and travelling across the UK stopping along the way to inspire individuals and create positive action towards more sustainable future.  @oteshaproject

14. Nancy Dee


Nancy Dee is a fashion label which combines a strong ethical philosophy with an equally uncompromising focus on style.

We focus on designing beautiful clothing made from premium sustainably sourced fabrics such as Bamboo, Organic Cotton and Modal, that feels wonderful to wear because of their natural properties and designs that are current, stylish and classic. We want to encourage consumers to buy responsibly made clothing and get away from the 'disposable fashion' that dominates our western society but importantly, has an often devastating effect on the environment and people who make it. - Seraphina @NancyDeeFashion

15. The Green Blue

The Green Blue

The Green Blue is the environment programme created by the British Marine Federation and Royal Yachting Association. The program’s main goal is to rise awareness, conducts scientific research, identifies environmentally friendly products and offers easy best practice advice to anyone keen to make boating in the UK as sustainable as possible. The Green Blue offers practical advices and help to everyone who wants to preserve the coasts and inland waters. @TheGreenBlue

16. Wastebuster


Wastebuster is non-for-profit enterprise that aims to provide support to schools in order to become sustainable and empower children to take action and change their environment. The programme is designed to demonstrate how waste can be used as a resource and show how changes can help us in living happier and healthier lifestyle. The programme aim to entourage both teachers and students to adopt environmentally friendly behaviours and help spreading the message from curriculum to campus and finally to the community. @_Wastebuster

17.Keep Britain Tidy

Keep Britain Tidy

Keep Britain Tidy is independent charity organisation which fights for people’s right to live and work in place of which they can be proud. Organisation’s aims are to improve local places, inspire and educate future generations and ending of waste. Members of Keep Britain Tidy believe that values play crucial role in creating society we want to live in. Their strength lies in their experience of joining together individuals and communities to create change.  @KeepBritainTidy

18. Wabi Sabi

Wabi Sabi

Wabi Sabi is eco fashion concept that combines quality, sustainability and design to create a stylish products.

What most inspires me is to create functional, comfortable, stylish and versatile fashion that will make people think twice about the stigmas around being eco.Wabi Sabi creates the style of clothing that women want to wear and at the same time we are able to demonstrate that going eco and looking good go hand in hand. It is possible to merge stylish fashion with the three P´s - People, Planet and Profit.- Michele @WabiSabiEFC

19. Refurnish


Refurnish promote recycling and environmentally friendly way of living by collecting and restoring furniture, so that it can be sold to local people at affordable prices. The idea behind Refurnish is not only help to protect the environment but to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. The organisation collects old and damaged furniture from both private households and retailers, restoring them at its workplace and then selling at low cost to disadvantages families. @Refurnish1

20. Madia & Matilda


With Madia & Matilda we believe in buying less but selecting well. Therefore we only create small batches of styles; within the same fabrics; due to the nature of our fabrics being end of roll fabrics and or garments and remnants of home textiles to prolong the lifecycle of clothing. Making unique and lasting fashion, we feel that this will inspire more people to go green. 

I feel peoples lifestyles are changing and there is a greater need for stylish sustainable clothing. This thought alone, has become the driving force to Madia & Matilda.-Shalize Nicholas  @MadiaMatilda

Top 20 Green Bites

1. Café St Honoré

Cafe St Honore Chef Group Shot Inside

"We are delighted to be nominated in the 100 Green initiatives list in the UK. Alongside our sustainability status, our work in the community and our Slow Food philosophy of serving food that is “good, clean and fair” this is a meaningful accolade.

I took over the reigns at Cafe St Honoré and 2008 and there has never been a more exciting time to be involved with food in the UK. By following the organic movement, supporting small-scale producers and breeders, and paying a fair price for food, we are growing the reputation of our business as well as looking after our environment. I believe it shows we care about what people eat, and
acknowledge the responsibility we hold, not only for our diners, but also when
young people come to work with us. We have such a fabulous story to tell, and
we are delighted that more and more people are listening"

- Neil Forbes, Head Chef @CafeStHonore

2. The Three Stags

$_86 Stags

The landlord of the pub, Richard Bell, has initiated some refreshing "green" initiatives – interestingly enough, the pub is home to about 30,000 bees thanks to a hive on the roof! The Three Stags is also collaborating with schools and local people to make maximum use of the vegetables grown in local grounds and a roof garden has been built to grow herbs all year round!

If the issues that surround sustainability are not addressed, what hope is there for humanity and more importantly the planet that is our host? What could be more important to life than the source and quality of what we eat and drink!"

- Richard Bell, Founder @thethreestags

3. Juice Tonic


 The Juice Tonic’s priority is to use 100% organic products and supplements. In addition to promoting organic ingredients, Juice Tonic supports healthy environment, by using organic food that has not been intoxicated by pesticides; and has not suffered from genetic manipulation -“We don’t sell junk food disguised as sunshine, we sell sunshine.”

"Here at juice tonic we carry the hope that if more and more people wake up to their full potential, they can get together and change things for the better and since our knowledge and passion lies especially in nutrition, we are tackling the issues our own way"

- Marco Proietti, Founder @JuiceTonic

4. ODE Dining

Cafe -ode

Sustainability is at the very heart of ODE-true food. Guided by sustainable principles in every aspect of “what they do,” the family business is to date the highest restaurant and café in the UK, while being at forefront of the sustainable food movement. The Ode team is embracing good values by serving high quality locally sourced food in both - it’s fine ODE-dining and in more relaxed café-ODE. @ODETRUEFOOD

5. Boston Tea Party

Boston -Tea -Party -Logo -300x 161

"At Boston Tea Party we take sustainability seriously. We think its important that you shouldn’t compromise your principles when you eat out. That’s why we are top 3 star award winners of the Sustainable Restaurant Association and are committed to only using ethically sourced ingredients. Our values are simple. We will never compromise on quality, we will honour our collective social responsibilities, and we’ll always dream of a better world…”

- Ben Hibbard, Marketing Manager @BTPcafes

6. Ethos

Gallerytest 2 Uuuu

Ethos is a self-service vegetarian restaurant, specializing in deliciously different, meat-free cuisine from around the world. Ethos stands for satisfying, carefully selected dishes that taste as good as they are for the health!

Everything we do at Ethos is about providing great tasting food that is easy on the environment. By showing people how good it tastes we encourage our guests to reduce the amount of meat they consume. The way we see it, it’s win-win all round.

- Jessica Kruger, Founder @EthosFoods 

7. Grain Store


London restaurant Grain Store has been named Sustainable Restaurant of the Year 2013. Grain Store emphasizes being “veg-centric” instead of vegetarian. However, it gives vegetables equal billing with meat and fish and the Sustainable Restaurant Association has found all the food to be "impeccably sourced". Where possible, the meat is served organic or free range and it adheres to a strict sustainability policy when it comes to fish. The restaurant has also implemented a state of the art technology, that monitors and controls the performance and energy consumption of its kitchen equipment and half of the profits from sales of filtered water go to local charities.  @GrainStoreUK

8. Lembas Organics

Lembas _Organics _logo _129214875415714005

Over the years, the organic farm has offered the widest range of fruit and vegetables selection for an affordable price. It also delivers ethically grown goods to University of Aberdeen, and this way supporting and promoting ethical food consumption among students!

"What inspires us? Well, I think there are decisions you take with your head, your heart or sometimes you do not quite know why you take them. Decisions from the heart might take you on a difficult journey but often with unexpected  joys and rewards. Whatever made us decide to do this work, we have always felt it needs doing and it being the right thing for us to do"

- Paul van Midden, Founder  

9. Suma specialist wholesalers


 "We're inspired to be green by all the wonderful suppliers and partners that we work with. For instance, Suma handmade soaps are hand-crafted in the Calder Valley by soap experts Geoff and Rob. They use eco-friendly cold-processing, pick and grow their own botanicals and are totally opposed to the use of chemical preservatives. The local artisans that brew Suma's ales use only 100% organic agricultural ingredients, and they don't use isinglass in processing so all Suma beers are vegan too. These relationships both inspire and enable us to run a green and ethical business that we can be proud of". @SumaWholefoods

10. Sustainable Wines UK


Sustainable Wines UK's mission is to help the UK market to discover exciting, great-tasting and low-allergenic wines from sustainable, organic, biodynamic and natural wine producers. It supports only producers who are working towards passing on their healthy heritage to future generations. @Sustwinesuk

11. Kin Café

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Kin Café originates out of a father and son’s idea to indulge in honest, fresh and healthy food in a comfortable and friendly atmosphere. Kin café takes great care of sourcing top quality ingredients and great products. Sustainability is greatly emphasised, not only in terms of environment but also socially, by supporting other start-ups and small businesses. Kin takes a sustainable sourcing approach to all aspects: food, furniture, biodegradable takeaway cups, even the crockery. @kin_cafe

12. Mackie's of Scotland


Mackie’s is a highly successful family dairy farming business, developed into Scotland’s premier quality ice cream maker. The owner of the farm, Maitland Mackie, was also known as an innovative pig farmer, a champion of farm assurance and an active campaigner for community renewable energy. In 2007, Mackie's received a Scottish Food & Drink Excellence Award for its economic growth and outstanding environmental management. @mackiesscotland

13. Percy's Country Restaurant

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The owners Tina and Tony Bricknell-Webb have created an eco friendly country retreat in the heart of rural Devon, where the emphasis is on total relaxation, getting back to nature and enjoying organic local food - much of it produced on their own estate. @PercysOrganic


14. Ecco Pizzeria


Environmentally friendly Ecco Pizzeria’s mission is to provide the most authentic Neapolitan Pizza. They utilise centuries old wood fired cooking techniques and use only the freshest, finest ingredients imported from Italy. Their ultimate goal is to prove that environmental consciousness and commercial reality can work hand in hand. @Ecco_Pizzeria

15. T.E.D Restaurant

Ted 222

T.E.D, which stands for ‘Think.Eat.Drink,’offers ethically sourced, sustainable British produce served in an atmosphere of stylish informality. They are embracing sustainability and responsibility wherever possible. For instance, they up-cycled salvaged materials, recycled glass, used eco paint and recycled doors when building the restaurant. They implement “green” philosophy in the day-to-day running of the restaurant, from finding the greenest coffee machine and fridges to ensuring that no waste goes to landfill. ThinkEatDrink

16. Maitreya Social

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‘Maitreya’ means-loving kindness or universal love in Sanskrit – values that the Café reflects in its food. Maitreya Social is located in Bristol's bustling cultural quarter, and is oozing with atmosphere, a home away from home. They are 100% vegetarian; the menus are contemporary, hearty, simple, and inspiring. Their chefs work hard to create modern vibrant dishes - all prepared with love and care! Ingredients are sourced from local, small-scale and ethical producers. @MaitreyaSocial

17. Govinda's Restaurant

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Found within the Radha-Krishna Temple on Soho Street, Govinda's Restaurant serves up what their website describes as karma-free food. Govinda’s focus is on delicate Indian flavours - they provide fresh, nutritious meals at affordable prices. Govinda’s Restaurant serves a wide variety of pure vegetarian cuisine throughout the day, and all the products are meat, fish and egg free. It is an oasis of tranquility, health and balance!

18. The River Café

River Cafe

The Michelin-starred restaurant was founded three decades ago and embodies London’s culinary revolution. The restaurant was the pioneer of introducing a combination of Italian home cooking, seasonal ingredients, a casual atmosphere and also high prices of the sophisticated courses. All that has made The River Café a standard by which many Londoners still judge any new restaurant. They were also one of the first restaurants that started recycling their glass bottles. Later, the restaurant managed to reduce its waste by almost half, starting to recycle everything from cardboard to cooking oil, which the restaurant converts into biofuel. @RiverCafeLondon

19. Mildreds


Mildreds Vegetarian Restaurant, established in 1988, is a popular choice for London-based vegans and vegetarians with its savvy décor and fresh, beautifully presented food. The menu is totally meat-free, with vegan and gluten-free options clearly labeled. They use organic ingredients where possible and endeavour to source small businesses for their supplies.

20. The PIG

The Pig Uuuuu

The PIG restaurant in Brockenhurst, Hampshire is in the privileged position of having its own farm next door that provides the vast majority of the meat that the chefs turn into healthy dishes. Their kitchen garden also ensures the freshest vegetables; everything is grown or reared to organic standards. All the local suppliers come within 25 miles distance. The PIG has thought about pretty much everything to ensure it has a minimal impact on the environment and maximum positive effect on the local community. @The_Pig_Hotel

Top 20 Green Community Initiatives

1. Mini-Scrapbox


Mini-scrabox collects a wide variety of materials, mainly donated by companies, that can be re-used in the community by drama and music workshops, clubs, schools and playgroups for arts & crafts.

Without reducing the volume of C&I waste going to landfill Norfolk will run out of void space soon. We may with other scrap stores have a cumulative effect on the need for people to buy new goods.Better to" maximise re-use and minimise waste" our strap line. By doing so we try to educate our members about re-use while encouraging creativity ,through selling affordably priced resources. - Jim Elliott  Mini-Scrapbox on Facebook

2. Seagull Recycling

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Seagull Recycling provides services and training to businesses, individuals and the community via environmental, sustainability and recycling activities, job skills, training and adult enrichment.

Children are the recyclers of the future so we need to make sure they are equipped with the facts and the skills to be able to maximise available resources. We fully believe that the central theme to everyone’s life ethos should be the ‘Three R’s - Reduce, Re-use, Recycle’. - Paul Charles  Seagull Recycling on Facebook

3. Cone Exchange


The Cone Exchange is a community recycling initiative run by Captain Rummage aka Chris Powell, Community Champion at Bettys & Taylors of Harrogate.

I love to look at rubbish that would normally be sent to landfill and find creative ways to re-use it whilst providing work experience for adults with visual impairments and learning difficulties. It’s inspirational to work so closely with our local community and fantastic to see the local children’s groups embracing the 3 R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle!’ - Chris Powell

4. Art of Recycle

Art Of Recycle

Art of Recycle is organisation aimed to develop, grow and heal community through the art of recycle.

We believe that connecting people together in a nurturing environment helps to develop many of the foundational emotional structures needed to motivate individuals into making appropriate everyday decisions such as composting instead of trashing, and big decisions like sourcing Eco energy, and huge decisions like designing towns without dependency on gas powered vehicles. - Mr. Nobody Special  @ArtofRecycle

5. Scrapstore


The Swindon Children’s Scrapstore runs several projects which all aim to benefit the local community and promote and encourage more people to be green and reuse rather than buy new.

The difference we make to the local community, people, charities and small businesses is what inspires us and drives us forward. Many of the people we work with are disadvantaged, long term unemployed and in need of support to help them gain new skills and increase their confidence to enable them to move forward with their lives, and gain employment. - Olivia McCann @SCScrapstore

6. Southampton Scrap Store

Southampton Scrap Store

“We are a local charity that recycles materials for arts and crafts that would otherwise go to landfill. We collect surplus and waste from businesses in the local area, sort through them and make them available to our members to use in their arts and crafts activities. We charge an annual fee for membership. Our members include schools, pre schools, artists and individuals. We also hire out sewing machines, a badge machine and paper cutters for a small fee per week. See our website for more information or find us on Facebook or Twitter.” @sotonscrapstore

7. Aberdeen Forward

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Aberdeen Forward is a charity that was established in 1999. The company had the priority to fund and support the minimization of waste in the local community as well as develop recycling projects for this cause. In 2009 Aberdeen Forward opened the Sustainable Communities Centre, providing both community and business resources and at the same time helping the charity to become self-sustainable. @AberdeenForward

8. Remake Scotland

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Remake Scotland is a charity founded in 2011. It currently has 4 ongoing projects composed of the scrapstore, the creative outreach, the make and mend craft space and the shed. Remake Scotland works toward transforming their community through various projects such as recycling projects and providing help and support to their community groups.

9. Percy Middlesbrough

Percy Middlesbrough

“Percy Middlesbrough is a community interest company which aims to provide Middlesbrough and the surrounding areas with a scrapstore, now known as a creative reuse centre.” The company collects clean business waste and reuses them, with the goal of reducing waste in its community. Through such initiatives Percy Middlesbrough impacts others to follow their example, resulting in a cleaner environment. @PercyMbrough

10. Proper Job

Proper Job

Proper Job, launched in 1995 is one of UK’s first recycling centers. The focus of the center is to keep reusable items from landfills by reselling them. “Fiercely committed to principles of sustainability and local job creation, Proper job is also on a mission to develop more UK initiatives around conservation, waste management and recycling of the earth's resources.” @ProperJob3

11. Orinoco Recycling Centre


Orinoco – The Oxfordshire Scrapstore – is a registered charity that collects and re-uses good quality, commercial waste materials from businesses across Oxfordshire. It promotes re-use, art and creative play through education and direct action. The scrapstore is there for everyone: mums, dads, children, young people, teachers, childcare professionals, artists…Orinoco will help to play, create and decorate at low cost, in style and in a way that is environmentally responsible. @oxorinoco

12. Phoenix


Phoenix is an Environmental Charity self funded by the Trustees and it has been operating since September 2009, gaining charity status in January 2010. The 3 Centres are in Northamptonshire, Essex and Leicester. The purpose of Phoenix is the practice and promotion of recycling, re-use and reduction – they collect clean usable waste, surplus stocks, end of lines and unwanted goods / returns from industry and local businesses.

13. Grumpy


Grumpy (Greater Manchester Play Resources Unit) aims to promote resources and provide and assist in promoting, resourcing and providing play opportunities, facilities, back-up services, materials and equipment, information, training and specialist skills for children and young people lacking adequate or appropriate play and educational opportunities or who are denied access to play and educational opportunities for any reason (including race, sexual orientation, gender, disability, language and culture). Grumpy stands as a registered Children’s Charity with a trading subsidiary, House of Grumpy Ltd, established to improve the quality and range of play opportunities available to children and
young people. @houseofgrumpy

14. Recycle With Clarity

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Recycle with Clarity is an initiative to increase the household recycling rates of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Clarity, launched in 2011, is a group of associated businesses, specialising in environmental compliance and recycling. It has been setting up household electrical waste recycling points across the UK, designed with the public in mind.  Clarity website enables to find help and advice on recycling or re-using electrical items, as well as other useful information on packaging symbols, battery recycling, and much more.

15. Squirrels Community


Squirrels Community has for the past twenty five years collected surplus materials from factories, offices, shops and private homes.  They sort and display them at their warehouse in Ridge Road, Sutton.  Squirrel has a membership of over 500 organisations. School, Nurseries, Playgroups, Senior Citizen Social Groups, Hospitals, Special Needs, Drama & Uniformed Groups can select from a vast range of donated clean waste materials to meet their art, craft, recreational, educational, therapeutic or fundraising activities. All this is available for a small yearly membership fee.

16. Work And Play Scrap Store

Work And Play Scrapstore

We promote the re-use of resources for environmental and community benefit. As a not-for-profit organization run mainly by volunteers, we take a wide range of donated clean waste materials from businesses with a corporate social responsibility. We enable members to learn and share from one another. We aim to consult our members wherever possible so we can understand and serve their needs better.

At the Scrapstore, we believe in re-using resources artfully, for both environmental and community benefit. - Sascha Taylor @WorknPlaySouth

17. Eco Tales


"EcoTales is an environmental production company using the power of media to inspire young people to explore, understand and protect their planet for a better future. We produce inspiring films and run a successful arts led educational events programme. EcoTales began with the making of our five time award winning film “Gloop”, a twisted fairy-tale about the meteoric rise of plastic from its conception to its present day wide-spread use, and carries the message plastic NEVER goes away. “Gloop” has been screened around the world in over 12 countries to scientists, Politicians, festival audiences and countless schools. “Gloop” was the springboard to start our environmental arts projects, helping us to engage schools and families through creative events, activities and challenges to raise awareness of plastic pollution." @Ecotales

18. Swapshop, Aberdeen University

Swapshop Circle

Swap Shop, which is run by students, is an innovating eco-friendly concept about exchanging products. It’s a great opportunity for students of Aberdeen University, who are bored of unwanted items around the house to come in and exchange them for something interesting.

To be honest, we all have books, kitchenware and pieces of clothing we don’t need, use or wear. Why let them fill the space in your closet or throw them away when you can use them to get something in return whilst also doing something good for the environment? Swap Shop is the perfect place where you can bring
these items and exchange them for something new and interesting that will spice up
your wardrobe. @ausatweet

19. Derby Play and Recycling Centre

Derby Center

"We take safe waste from businesses, and the material collected is first processed into useful sized batches, then used creatively in all sorts of artistic projects by our members, who include scout groups, schools, commercial artists, individuals, and families. OurScrapstore stocks all sorts of things people need for creative activities, such as paper and card, foam, plastic pots, tubes and tubs, netting, fabric, and all manner of offcuts and left overs from business. You'll be amazed at what strange things you'll find in our Scrapstore, and all the material is available to our members at very low cost."

20. Scrappies

Scrappies Circle

"Scrappies function is to collect worthwhile materials and to sort it, use it, make things with it, pass it on, or sell it to members. The proceeds from our store are used in our work running workshops for the benefit and education of children.

We also organise workshops, training sessions, birthday parties and run craft clubs.

We are largely dependent on a very keen body of volunteers for virtually all our day to day activities. In fact, we can only operate because a large group of people regularly volunteer to help obtain, sort and display the recycled items." @inforecycle

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