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Last updated: 10 February 2023

Best Green Lifestyle Bloggers 2017

Going green is easy to do and helps to protect the environment. If everyone started practising the basic principles of an eco-friendly life, it would decrease the level of pollution and prevent climate change. A seemingly small change like the plastic straw ban in the UK can make a huge difference.

Unfortunately, many do not understand the seriousness of the problem, so it is important that we spread our message to whoever will listen, whether it encourages them to recycle more diligently, or choose to install renewables like solar panels or ground source heat pumps, every small change counts.

GreenMatch has created a list of 40 best green lifestyle bloggers who have a say in promoting and developing an eco-friendly society. Depending on personal interests, these people are trying to send a message to the world. We included green influencers from the industry of green living, technology & business, journalism, and photography that deserve to be recognised.

Congratulations to all of those listed under our four categories:

Have a look and learn more about green lifestyle through technological advances, engaging articles, photos of the beauty of nature and inspiring eco-friends.

We can ensure that this list of bloggers will make you rethink your lifestyle and the information provided will help you make a difference.

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Green Lifestyle Bloggers

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1. Green Living Guy

Seth Leitman is not only the 'Green Living Guy’ but also a best selling author, editor, and expert on going green and living an eco-friendly lifestyle. The Green Living Guy provides stories and news about green living, green cars, green fashion, and Seth’s own Green Guru Guides.

He told Greenmatch where he gets inspired when finding a new story to write about: “I get inspired everyday by real action. Meaning a solar install is happening. Or someone's just bought a Chevy Bolt or a Tesla. Someone or a company switched all their lighting and saved $1M a year. Real action is always better. It shows how the free market and people are going green
regardless of policy or politics.”

2. Moralfibres

On Moralfibres, Wendy shares her interest for sustainability and focuses on hints & tips that are easy to implement in your everyday life. In her green lifestyle blog, she covers topics such as Life & Style, Food & Drink, Home & Garden, as well as about families and travel.

“Most of the time my articles draw from quite a personal place, so I look to what's going on in my own life and write from there. If I have discovered something great (e.g. Vegan Milk that Doesn’t Curdle!) then I'll share that with readers, or if I have been pondering something and have done some personal research on particular topic (e.g. Is Borax Safe?) then I'll share that. If I've been window shopping for ethical clothes then I'll share that.
I like to try and build rapport with my readers
- and I like to think this approach helps with that.”

3. Sustainably Chic

Natalie (27) writes about topics that cover sustainable fashion, green beauty, and eco-lifestyle. If you are searching for a guide to a more conscious and responsible wardrobe, this is the blog to browse through.

"What motivates me in keeping up with the sustainable & eco lifestyle is the future. A big reason I became so hooked on the concept of sustainability was because I wanted future generations to experience life the way we have. Not only am I motivated by the future, but our current manufacturing climate is wanting me to constantly strive for something better. Working with businesses who care for their workers while keeping the planet in mind is extremely important to me."

4. Helloglow

Helloglow not only covers sub-categories of green living such as green cleaning but also has many different tutorials, guides, and DIY’s to share, e.g., simple detox guides, easy green-cleaning tips, must-try natural products etc. Part of their mission is to share the latest trends, news, ideas, and tools for natural beauty and wellness. Stephanie Gerber is the founder of Hellowglow and started blogging in 2011. 

5. Global Stewards

Global Stewards was established in 1998. The blog provides green tips for an eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle. Furthermore, they have a collection of action plans that will help you adopt a green lifestyle, as well as another section in which they write about current environmental issues and news.

6. Eco Warrior Princess

Jennifer Nini is the person behind Eco Warrior Princess. It all started with her being interested in politics, social justice, environmental issues, conservation, and fashion back in 2010. Since she started blogging, her website hasn’t stop growing. She continues to carry out her mission and inspires the masses “to be the change” & “to go green.”

7. Eco Cult

Alden Wicker, Editor-in-Chief of EcoCult, educates her audience about how to live a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle, and, yes, even living in a big city like New York doesn’t stop her from doing so. With EcoCult, she draws attention to all the beautiful, fun, and interesting things in life that are both stylish and good for the world’s environment.

8. Natures Nurture Blog

Natures Nurture’s blog provides useful tips about how to prevent your’s and your family's life from being exposed to chemicals at home. Sarah shares a lot of DIY-recipes and simple step-by-step guides about how to create a non-toxic home. She knows how to get started at home and shares her experiences with her readers online.

9. Creative Green Living

Carissa is the founder and main writer of the blog Creative Green Living. When she became a mother in 2010 she changed her blog-stories from crafts and DIY to creative green living. Ever since she focuses on healthier, eco-friendly, and green options that are easy to implement in your day-to-day and with your family.

10. Get Green Be Well

Kimberly Button has an impressive story to tell. Not only does she present her expertise in green living on her blog GetGreenBeWell but during her past she also wrote several books and she has been active as a journalist, photographer, TV correspondent, and editor.

Topics she writes about on GetGreenBeWell cover healthy living, eco-friendly traveling, and examples of sustainability such as green cleaning, beauty, fashion, and lawn & garden.


1. EcoGeek

EcoGeek is run and edited by Hank Green and his team members. EcoGeek provides insights into various categories related to green energy, alternative materials, recycling, agriculture, and more. The blog’s mission is to show how nature and technology can be combined in an eco-friendly way, without harming the planet but facing the challenge to save it instead. Hank has become an expert in green living and draws attention to the importance of not ignoring the environment.

2. Greenne

Greenne—the eco friendly blog—covers topics about climate change, tips for eco-friendly businesses, recycling, green energy, energy savings, and many more. They provide content in the form of articles, checklists, how to’s, best practices, infographics etc. Besides the different categories they write about, they also provide the reader with eco directory lists to help find other businesses and websites with strong green credentials.

3. Sustainable Smart Business

Sustainability = Smart Business’—this slogan functions as a eye-catcher on Toby’s blog’s homepage. Tobias Webb is the founder and main writer for He has reached an impressive number of followers by now—6,000 regular readers. When blogging about business related topics, he never leaves out the important part of sustainability. Due to Tobias’ long-term expertise and experience within that area, he has taught about sustainable business for eight years in London.

4. Environment Blog

The environmentblog is divided into several categories such as climate, conservation, eco-friendliness, energy, and green business. You can find practical how to’s, useful descriptions, and explanations, as well as inspirational ideas that can support businesses in going green (e.g., 5 Green Investment Ideas). Within the energy sector you can find several articles about ‘green driving’ and eco-friendly cars or fuel. Other topics Environment Blog covers are trending news and insights on the environment, pollution, recycling, climate etc.

5. Andrew Winston

Andrew Winston published his first book ‘Green to Gold’ in 2006, in which he writes about how companies can take advantage of practising an environmental strategy to innovate. It has been a great success and resulted in two other books. Andrew writes for the Guardian and Huffington Post (just to mention a few), but he also has his own popular blog, where he regularly publishes high quality posts about important topics such as clean energy, clean tech, climate change, climate denial, politics, clean economy, science, and many more.

6. Terra Infirma

Gareth Kane started his blog in 2007. He has published two books on business and sustainability: ‘The Three Secrets of Green Business’ and ‘The Green Executive.’ His areas of expertise are related to sustainability strategy and policy, staff engagement, culture change, eco product development, and greenifying the supply chain, just to mention a few. Gareth Kane has established a company called Terra Infirma, providing help for organisations in going green and facing environmental and sustainability challenges. To keep his online audience up-to-date, the company’s website has a separate category called ‘Gareth’s Blog,’ where you can find recent industry news and insights related to Gareth’s field of expertise.

7. Future of Business

The future of business writes about all sorts of topics related to green business. Their mission is to be precise, keep it simple, clear, and informative. Future of businesses articles focus on sustainability and maintaining our planet’s health. The blog provides an online space—especially for new businesses that intend to go green and become more conscious about the environment. You can find expert guides, technology topics, trends, small business tips, interviews, and advice on how to get started etc. In 2016, Greenmatch awarded them as one of the top 10 green technology experts.

8. The Environmental Blog

The Environmentalblog provides deep insights into categories such as green energy, green living, sustainability, climate change, environment, and green technology. The blog was established in 2007 and ever since it’s team has followed the mission to contribute to the world becoming a greener place. Not only do they share the newest industry trends but they also provide the reader with ‘Eco-Editorials,’ step-by-step guides, infographics, green travel tips, green food, and many other topics related to green living.

9. Great Green Content

Great Green Content provides professional content and copywriting for green businesses, but also has an own blog section on their website that mainly covers topics about climate change, green businesses, and sustainable businesses. Alison Lueders is the owner of the company and blog. She has become an expert in writing—in particular for businesses, which is why her blog not only provide you with new insights in the future, green business sector but it also is a good source to go through in order to learn about technical matters when it comes to writing great content for your own blog.

10. Eco-Office-Goals

Eco-Office Gals mission is to drive businesses towards going green and paperless. Their blog page provides information about websites and products that can help create a better environment. Just to mention a few topics they have written about so far: eco-friendly buildings, renewables vs. coal, how to promote sustainable employee behavior, step-by-step guide about how to develop a green business, and many more relevant posts about recycling, safety, eco-friendly choices, smart waste management, paperless office environment, etc.


1. Treehugger

Last year Melissa Breyer from grabbed readers’ attention through an engaging publication called “10 Greenest Countries on the Planet.” We considered it to be one of the best articles due to its informative style and way of presenting facts. The results of the research are based on the Environmental Performance Index that ranked 180 countries according to human health and the measures of protecting the environment.

2. Sustainablog

One of the best bloggers, Jeff McIntire-Strasburg, promotes green lifestyles through his supportive articles about sustainable development. In particular, we could not avoid reading one of his best publications “Wind Energy for a Better Energy Future” that promotes the use of renewable energy.

3. Eco Thrifty Living

In our previous edition she already proved her impressive blogging skills, so why not aim even higher this year. Who knows, maybe next time she will be number one. For sure, we wish her the best on her new achievements. “I think the secret to writing a really good article about green living is to do your research and write from the heart!” - Zoë Morrison

4. Green Global Travel

Mary Gabbett and Bret Love said: “Our next destinations will be Ireland and Scotland. In Ireland we'll be teaching a blogging workshop and speaking on the importance role local communities can/should play in sustainable ecotourism ventures. Then we'll spend 7-10 days exploring Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way. In Scotland we'll be exploring the islands of the west coast, including Mull and Skye, tracing the Love family lineage and learning more about the history of the Argyll region. Based on the pictures we've seen, we expect to have our minds blown by the beauty of the landscapes and our hearts with the warmth of local cultures.”

5. Zero Waste Home 

In 2018, together with her family, Bea adopted the Zero Waste lifestyle and since then her life changed. Bea Johnson has managed to inspire thousands of people to live a life with minimum waste. Being the Grand Prize winner of the Green Awards, speaker to many social events, and a special guest to Family annual waste for 2016, Bea proved her status with her amazing publications. “I find inspiration through living life to its fullest and motivation from wanting a better world for future generations (including my sons).”

6. Condo Blues 

Lisa Nelsen-Woods says:"Now don’t freak out that things lean green around here. There are a million shades of green and everyone has his or her own green (or not) priorities and preferences. I try to live and blog by the 80/20 Rule. If I can green it 80% of the time, then I'm not going to stress over the 20% of the time I can't. Your mileage may vary on that.”

7. Groovy Green Livin 

"My goal is to inspire greener living through my writing and speaking. I’m doing my best to walk the walk, but many times I fall short. That’s part of the journey. On any given day you will find practical information on products and ideas that support a greener, healthier lifestyle. There are also those times that I cover something that I’m truly passionate about. You will find personal stories, but my children are as a rule not mentioned without their permission. They are teenagers and I feel strongly that their right to privacy must be honored." - Lori Alper

8. Urban Gardens 

‘I get inspiration from the fascinating, beautiful, and random things I come across in my travels and at home. I meet many talented artists, designers, makers, architects and entrepreneurs who inspire me to seek out more cutting edge and unique things—objects, spaces, places. I never run out of ideas, just the time to share them!’- Robin Horton

9. Green Moxie 

Nikki Fotheringham’s Greenmoxie blog specializes in green living tips, tiny houses, upcycling, DIY tutorials, foraging, renewable energy and outdoor living. She believes that each person can make a difference. 'You can make a difference to your planet, your country, your community or your backyard and together, we can change the world.'

10. EcoWatch

When it comes to green lifestyles and renewable energy updates, EcoWatch is unbeatable. One of their bloggers, Lorraine Chow, dedicates her time to writing posts that will increase the awareness of the readers about environmental and energy issues. This is a convincing way to become part of the “green lifestyle family.”


1. Paul Zizka 

Due to his skills in blogging and photography, Paul Zizka is one of a kind. He promotes a green lifestyle by capturing the best nature views and proving that we are surrounded by an amazing environment that should be protected. Our world needs such people who have a say (or a caption) about these beauties, so we suggest you to take a look at some of his photos.

2. Michael Frye

A green lifestyle is hard to manage, but Michael Frye did it by involving photography hobby and love for beautiful landscapes. His captions show how beautiful and amazing our world is. He has became a green ambassador who teaches us to love nature. 'I love to share my knowledge of photography and help others express their photographic vision.'

3. Michael DeYoung

“Our world is the outdoors and we like it all: desert, mountain, forest and water. While adventuring in remote corners of the world is cool so is exploring close to home and we do that regularly.” Now we are convinced that Michael DeYoung wants to change the world’s views by capturing the most beautiful views and call to protect them. Let’s do that!

4. James Grant

James Grant is an amazing personality that managed to build a more conscious green society through his landscape pictures. His passion for nature, hiking, and photography shows his commitment in changing the world for the better. "I blog to share my experiences and adventures of the fantastic great outdoors so everyone can see and enjoy them, no matter where in the world they are from."

5. William Neill 

As a landscape photographer, William Neill is really concerned about the spiritual beauty that we feel and see in nature. Through his photo shooting activities the world is able to visualize what was hidden and understand that these pieces of environment should be protected. His award-winning photography was published in different magazines, newspapers, and posters. So, of course he found his place on our list as well.

6. Jon Cornforth 

“Jon Cornforth compelled to express the beauty of the natural world through his photography, traveling all year, challenging himself in new locations and documenting the unique creatures who live there. All of his images are captured in the wild. He believes in supporting environmental groups and raising awareness through photography. “

7. Nick Cockman 

“Jon Cornforth compelled to express the beauty of the natural world through his photography, traveling all year, challenging himself in new locations and documenting the unique creatures who live there. All of his images are captured in the wild. He believes in supporting environmental groups and raising awareness through photography. “

8. Christian Hoiberg 

"Combining my lust to travel and love for photography, I visit both known and unknown destinations around our beautiful planet. Nature and photography is how I disconnect and being able to share the beauty around us is what I thrive for...Just like most people, I began photography without having a understanding of the camera, and happily used the "automatic" settings. For years I took pictures just for fun but eventually I felt the urge to improve and understand how to properly use the camera.“

9. Robert Rodriguez Jr 

Robert Rodriguez Jr is a landscape photographer, teacher, and author focused on conveying the beauty and presence he experiences in nature. “I love to make photographs for a simple reason – to help you come closer to the wonder and beauty of the world around us, one moment at a time. I love telling visual stories that reflect how I feel about what I see, and hopefully bring a positive, insprired outlook to everyday life.”

10. Moose Peterson 

“The goal of our work is to preserve our wild heritage. In reaching this goal, we work towards educating the public as well as other photographers. It’s our hope that in teaching the needed biological and technological skills to other photographers, they too can capture the same type of images as we do. In this way, there are more and more individuals working towards educating the public through photography about our wild heritage. “

Thank you to all the bloggers for their participation. If we forgot to include any important Green Bloggers, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to here a feedback from you.

See you next year!

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