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Last updated: 2 February 2023

Top Environmental Influencers 2016

Awarded to the top environmental blogs, initiatives, individuals, sites and organisations influencing the discussion about the environment in 2016.

Currently, concern for the environment has been at the focal point of policy making by governments, discussion amongst individuals, organisations and companies. This has been a result of the increasingly negative impact of climate change, especially affecting some distinct species and island countries like the Maldives.

Many great thinkers have taken the initiatives into creating platforms for discussions, awareness, ideas worth sharing and learning more about the subject and proposing measures on solving the issues concerning the environment. The UK government has incentisived the use of renewable energy through things such as solar panel grants, which is helping lead the way for a greener future.

It is important that individuals, organisations and associations that are impacting the environment positively by sharing insightful information, are acknowledged for their contributions to saving the environment.

At GreenMatch we have compiled a list of our favourite Environmental Influencers of 2016. They have been divided into three categories in alphabetical order: blogs, initiatives/organisations and sites.

We would like to congratulate all of those listed under these three categories:
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Top Environmental Bloggers

Awarded by Greenmatch to our favourite bloggers who have created platforms dedicated towards positively impacting the environment.

Crafty Green Poet


Edinburgh based blogger, Juliet Wilson, a writer and a conservation volunteer promotes green living on her blog. She campaigns for sustainable future by living an example herself. She recycles and creates jewelry from recycled goods for sales. As a writer, her work focuses on books, music, films or theatre with an environmental or nature inspired theme, events connected with nature, the environment and others of similar environmental importance.  

"I'm delighted to be selected as one of the top environmental influencers of the year! My aim is to use my blog and other online social media to engage diverse audiences on environmental issues and to encourage people to get outdoors and enjoy nature!"

David Toke

David Toke

David Toke’s green energy blog discusses important topics concerning the environment in regards to policies in the UK and EU. His environmental policy contributions has been implemented into laws in the UK due to his expertise as a reader in energy politics.

He shares insightful information about energy in connection to politics, with debatable topics for audiences to be informed and engaged.

Eco Thrifty Living


A blog created by Zoe Morrison mainly discussing environmental topics on zero waste, minimalism, plastic free living and others.

“I have been blogging for 5 years now on the subject of saving money through being eco-friendly and I have learned that caring about the environment doesn't have to cost the earth! Whether you are on a budget or not, there are lots of ways to go green that are very affordable and can actually potentially save you a lot of money. Making simple changes like swapping disposables for reusables, visiting your library instead of buying books and buying secondhand clothes are easy, enjoyable and fun swaps and are a good place to start. Personally I have made changes very slowly one at a time, but they have all added up and helped me afford to quit my job to be a stay at home mum/ blogger! …

Thank you to Greenmatch for including me in this list and to you readers, I challenge you to make one eco change, start small and start today! Also go and check out the other bloggers on the list, who have a wealth of knowledge to share.”

Green Duo


Becky, an english teacher and her husband Steve, an accountant are the creators of this blog.

“We’re just an ordinary couple from the ordinary town of Warrington, in the UK, worried about the fate of the planet, of mankind’s very existence, and who feel that with great power comes great responsibility. We’re just Steve and Becky, an ordinary couple in our late 20s, who have seen maybe one too many of those adverts and campaigns about saving the planet, going green, reducing, reusing and recycling, and all that jazz, and whose guilt, consequently, has driven them into a mission to make their household as eco-friendly as possible.”


Green Reading

Adrian Windisch, a green campaigner, a former chair of the Green party in Reading and Wokingham is the brains behind this blog since 2007. He has also worked as the director for an environmental research charity, Sunseed. He promotes, discusses and expresses his views on how to achieve a better environment, and tackle politics and policies by the government that are negatively impacting the environment in the UK and Europe in general.

“We can achieve a sustainable future, but we all must do our bit. We're all in this together, one people one planet. I believe we can achieve a sustainable future and I am doing everything I can to change my life and encourage others to do the same in order to achieve this.”

Julian Jackson


Julian Jackson is a writer and a photographer who has mainly worked in the environmental world. He has been the editor and the writer of Green Jobs Blog, writing and discussing issues of environmental importance. In the blog, he also shares environmental news, subjects relating to a green perspective, as well as films and photography. 

“I am a writer and blogger. My work covers many aspects of writing, including business and technology, but I much prefer writing about environmental subjects. It is important to highlight the ways we are moving forward and trying to find solutions, or at the very least, improvements, to the situation we find global society in now. This is going to be a generational task, and I am happy to be a small part of it, disseminating information to other people all over the world”.

Nicola Baird

Nicola Baird

London-based, Nicola Baird started this blog in 2008 when:

"We took our six and eight year old daughters around the UK for three months of homeschooling. We loved to travel and wanted to find a way to explore the world, without leaving the UK.To save cash and keep my family's carbon footprint lower, I dreamt up a unique stay-at-home travel experience which gave a taste of more far-flung travel. For example as we climbed Skiddaw, the big mountain overshadowing Keswick in the Lake District, then we'd also pretend we were on an Everest climbing exhibition and talk about what that involved. More recently a go stand up paddleboarding on a London canal gave a tiny taste of what it must be like being a Venetian gondolier.So far we've had a taste of 110 countries... without leaving the UK. My daughters are now teenagers but we still love to explore the UK - and there's still a lot more to see. Do have a look, and also send suggestions of places you know that have links to other parts of the world."

Ordinary Cycling Girl


Donna is the creator of this blog, dedicated towards sharing her passion and love for cycling with the world. She loves outdoors and travels on two wheels. Her blog is interesting and informative to diverse audiences, to those who enjoy cycling and to those who are new in the cyling world. Her contributions as a cyclist is very important as it is encouraging to many people to consider cycling as the best option to other means of transport. Particularly significant in the low carbon footprint mission in the UK and around the globe. 

 "Cycling has so many benefits! Not only is it the perfect way to keep fit, it benefits the environment, often makes commuting to work quicker and more cost effective, and keeps us healthy, both physically and mentally, which has a positive impact on our National Health Service. Plus, it allows you the opportunity of getting closer to nature, which I absolutely love”.

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Papier Mache Thoughts

Jules is the creator of the blog about intentional living in the everyday. She works within sustainability and helps people to live in a manner that is sustainable by engaging them and helping them to make choices that are good for society and the environment as a whole. 
She writes on her blog about making sustainable choices with detailed information about varieties of topics in relation to eco friendly home living and in the everyday life, bringing forth important and interesting information.

Robert Kyriakides


His detailed topics discussed and expertise in relation to matters of the environment is very informing to audiences. An environmentalist who started his blog about the Environment in October 2007. He expresses his personal ideologies, comments and opinions about energy and environmental problems in the blog. Most of the topics he discusses are on the issues of climate change, global warming, carbon emissions, politics and policies which are positively or negatively affecting the environment.

Sean James Cameron (THE HORT CHANNEL)


Sean James has been working on the blog since October 2010. He has developed the discussion of different topics on this blog: Allotment, Gardening, wildlife, Greenhouse Diary, Green Cooking and others, including videos and podcast. His platform is significant to encourage individuals to leave a greener  and healthy lifestyle whilst considering the impacts their actions have on the environment.  

His main objective with his blog is "To give confidence to new gardeners to have a go."

Stuart Jeffrey


A Green campaigner in Kent, and co-chair of the Kent Green Party, has created a platform for campaigning, sharing inspirational ideas and raising awareness on environmental issues on his extensive blog. He is at the forefront of campaigning against policies harmful to the environment in Kent and within the UK. He tackles policies having a negative impact on the environment and sharing detailed knowledge by debating the consequences of those policies.

ZeroCarbonista (Ecotricity)


Dale Vince the creator of this blog has aimed at using this platform as a forum for discussion and idea sharing regarding the environment and issues concerning it. His curiosity and expertise in the sustainability of the environment and life is vividly portrayed in the range of topics discussed on the blog; from introductions to the topics that help answer questions in relation to climate change.


Top Environmental Initiatives 

Awarded by Greenmatch to our favourite NGOs, charities, trusts, organizations of 2016 who have taken the initiative to inspire individuals to positively impact the environment.

Embrace Cooperation Ltd


Embrace environment and nature conservation projects by Embrace, a non-profit, youth-led organisation based in London fostering effective and practical youth empowerment through holistic national and international placement schemes.

There are several projects carried out by the organisation including their work around nature and renewable energy. They are engaged in Environmental Conservation and Horticulture Projects located in London. They have initiated or be involved in several environmental projects (nature conservation projects) such as embrace the wild, embrace the woodlands and many others which can be followed on their site.

Environmental Sustainability Network


The Network has been set up by B&NES Council on behalf of the Environmental Sustainability Partnership to provide a place where people from across the district can easily communicate with each other around ideas and opportunities related to environmental sustainability.

The Network is intended to be accessible to interested individuals, members or representatives of community groups, organisations, officers, practitioners, schools, churches or anyone with a personal or professional interest in environmental sustainability related topics.

Global Witness

Global Witness

It is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that works with partners around the world in the fight for justice by engaging in environmental activism, campaigning in exposing offenders and other topics of environmental importance around the world. They carry out hard-hitting investigations, expose abusers and campaign for change.
They often work in formal and informal partnerships and coalitions with individual allies and like-minded organisations in Europe, the United States, Africa and Asia.

Go Green


Go Green is an initiative to join up businesses and organisations in Bristol and West of England that are working towards a sustainable future. Go Green is a tool open to every business, charity and public sector organisation wanting to make a difference to their local environment; and if you are committed to the green agenda, you will be eligible to join free of charge.

“In 2016 Go Green is working hard to drive a lasting legacy of sustainable action following Bristol’s year in the green spotlight. One of the ways we can make this happen is by asking businesses to ‘Go Green’.”

Green Alliance

Green Alliance

Green Alliance is a charity and independent think tank focused on ambitious leadership for the environment. Since 1979, they have been working with a growing network of influential leaders in business, NGOs and politics to stimulate new thinking and dialogue on environmental policy, and increase political action and support for environmental solutions in the UK.

Their projects involve in-depth research and advocacy by experts, often in partnership with other organisations.

Involved in the hosting of Inside Track as a home for debate on UK environmental policy and politics. As well as providing their own views on environmental issues, it is a popular platform for perspectives from other leading commentators on related issues.

Greener Leith


Greener Leith, a community based initiative was established in 2006 to make it easier for people to get involved in improving their neighbourhood. They promote community engagement, better public spaces, and sustainable development in and around Leith.
Some of the projects this initiative is currently involved in is the development of a community owned wind energy grid.

Green Tumble

Green _Tumble

Green Tumble is a community of people that aims at providing education and raising awareness on environmental issues and helping to initiate the change in attitudes and behaviours of people towards a more sustainable lifestyle where nature conservation becomes main part of our existence. The site provides insightful message to audiences as it is full of researched and resourceful content on the environment.

"The Greentumble community is formed by people from different parts of the world, with different backgrounds and goals, but with one common vision – living in a world, where nature and all living creatures are being respected and humanity fights for environmental protection rather than destruction. Only deep gratitude and careful observation of what nature has created, and how it works, will make up for a bright future of us all."

Moms Clean Air Force


“Moms Clean Air Force is a community of 800,000 moms and dads united against air pollution – including the urgent crisis of our changing climate – to protect our children’s health.”

They are at the forefront of many campaigns aiming to protect the environment. Some of their important targets are: demand action against global warming, defend petition the Clean Air Act, demand strong air quality protections during natural gas development, chemical safety and others.

Our Greener Future


A zero waste and paperless organisation that is involved in sharing positive information about the environment and helping people to engage in positive environmental projects.

“We’re here to help anyone with an interest in sustainability and green living to expand their knowledge, gain experience and to share their love for nature. We use the arts as a way to express our love and appreciation for nature. Our projects, educational materials and work experience opportunities are all accessible online, meaning you can benefit from them wherever you are in the world.”

Rainforest Foundation UK


Environmental protection is at the core of this organisation.
“At the RFUK, we tackle deforestation locally and globally. Locally, we help forest communities to gain land rights, challenge logging companies, manage their forests and protect their environment. Globally, we campaign to influence national and international laws to protect rainforests and their inhabitants…

Instead of purchasing land or conserving forests purely for their biodiversity value, the RFUK promotes the establishment of community rights over rainforest lands, tackling the root of the problems related to deforestation and paving the way for local people to benefit fairly from the use and protection of forest resources.”

Somerset Wildlife Trust


Somerset Wildlife Trust has been protecting vulnerable wildlife and preserving wild places for over 50 years. Also, providing wildlife-friendly land management advice, campaign and education to make sure Somerset remains one of the most wildlife-rich places in the UK.

“Our vision for the county is an environment rich in wildlife for everyone, where people live happier and healthier lives.”

Sussex Green Living 

Sussex Green Living

An initiative founded by Carrie Carrie Cort in 2008. 

“I set up Sussex Green Living out of concern for the way we humans are treating the planet which sustains us. With motherhood in 2008 came concern about environmental sustainability and a burning desire to learn how we can live more environmentally friendly lifestyles, in harmony with nature.
I have always had a passion for the countryside, animals and the natural environment. Most of my career has been spent in marketing and communications, mainly within education and the land based industries, latterly using the power of video communications. In an effort to help create a climate for change I decided to use my knowledge and digital skills to share ideas which anyone can adopt, saving money and the planet.
I’m not an expert, just an ordinary person who is on a greening journey and wanting to pass on what I’ve learnt to others. Let’s all make some simple changes, become more resilient and try to lead simpler, less materialistic and consumerist way of life.”

Sustainability and Environment Education


This initiative supports and encourages educators to help young people live a more sustainable life by bringing them together, sharing and enhancing best practice in sustainability and environmental education.

“We know that sustainability (and how to live and work sustainably) is a developing area of knowledge and skills. Our goal therefore is to keep people updated and thinking about good practice. Our policy work aims to share this practice and encourage supportive systems for educators to do this important work. All our projects are designed to model principles of sustainable development, good stakeholder processes and best practice in learning. Evidence shows that taking an active role in your learning, and applying what you have learned to the next tasks (action learning/action research) is the deepest, most embedded way to learn.”

The British Trust for Ornithology


The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) is an independent charitable research institute combining professional and citizen science aimed at using evidence of change in wildlife populations, particularly birds, to inform the public, opinion-formers and environmental policy- and decision-makers.

Their long-term monitoring data on the status of UK birds sets the standard worldwide for understanding the effects of environmental change on wildlife. Their impartiality enables their data to be used by both non-governmental organisations and government environmental campaigners.

The Green centre


A not for profit organisation aimed at providing carefully researched, qualified information and advice to educate all members of the community on matters that have an effect on the future of our environment.

"The essence of our work at the Green Centre is to enable people to develop their relationship with the planet. We believe this begins with a peaceful and respectful relationship with yourself and with others. We are dependent on the planet to meet our every need and it is essential we understand this and acquire the knowledge required to live a truly sustainable life."

World Land Trust

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World Land Trust (WLT) is an international conservation charity, with the aim of protecting the world’s most biologically important and threatened habitats acre by acre. Since its establishment in 1989, WLT has funded partner organisations around the world to create reserves, and give permanent protection to habitats and wildlife.

Their main objectives are to protect and sustainably manage natural ecosystems of the world; to conserve their biodiversity, with emphasis on threatened habitats and endangered species. Also, to develop partnerships with local individuals, communities and organisations; to engage support and commitment among the people who live in project areas. Lastly, raise awareness, in the UK and elsewhere, on the need for conservation; to improve understanding and generate support through education and information.


Top Environmental Sites

Awarded by Greenmatch to our favourite sites of 2016 that have been dedicated towards the discussion of topics of environmental importance, educating and informing audiences. 

Do the green thing


A site that encourages audiences to look differently at modern life, at culture, behaviour or politics, by offering thoughtful, provocative alternatives to empower people to live more sustainably everyday.

“With a solution to climate change getting no closer, and the consequences of that looming ever larger, we need to roll up our sleeves and take issue with modern life. To take on all the assumptions and behaviours that lead us to make unsustainable choices so regularly. So that’s what we plan on doing. Every two months, we’ll publish an Issue that challenges the unsustainable status quo through long-form arguments and creative provocations”.

Green Choices


A site created in 2000 with the aim of encouraging individuals to make greener choices within and outside the UK. Consumer information is also provided to consumers in making green choices.

“Green Choices encourages everyone in Britain to make ecologically sound decisions in living their everyday lives. We aim to empower you with simple, direct information on green alternatives which make a real, lasting difference.Green Choices offers these suggestions and information on the basis of its own research and that of other reputable organisations. The information is provided in good faith, and we use many of the products and services ourselves”.

Green Pepper for Environmental and Green Issues News


This site centres around environmental issues, eco-friendly living and environmental news.

What makes this site very influential is the wide range of detailed information on topics of importance to the environment. Many environmental issues are presented with: energy, recycling, wildlife, environmental health, forestry, farming etc. It provides an easily readable, articulate and well structured information regarding environmental topics.



“Grist is a source of intelligent, irreverent environmental news and commentary that’s been around since 1999... We cover climate, energy, food, cities, justice, politics, tech, and green living, and the innovative solutions bubbling up in each of those areas. Each day, we use our Clarity-o-Meter to point our readers to the news that matters most, and to translate wonky issues into stories that make sense. Sixty-five percent of them do something based on our content”.

Their main objective to get people talking, thinking, and taking action is succeeding, as they are able to reach a community of more than 2 million people per month.



A website for sharing information and promoting the discussion of diverse views on environmental issues and waste. Ideas are shared with the aim of influencing the debate on the topic of environmental issues, and for that reason, it is a very good medium for people to get involved in environmental related topics and help change the world.

Real Climate


Real Climate is a moderated commentary site on climate science by climate scientists for the public, as well as journalists. The site contains informative answers to recent stories, and provides the context that is sometimes missing in mainstream media.

The discussion on the site about climate is very scientific from an expert’s point of view but it is aimed at making it easily understandable to audiences.

Rebecca Willis


A former member of the National Environment and Research Council and a Vice-Chair of the UK Sustainable Development Commission. She has worked with government ministers, advisers and officials to make sure that government policies are designed and reflective in sustainability goals. She has also spent two years at the European Parliament in Brussels as a policy adviser in correspondence to international environmental issues. Her work towards saving the environment is inspiring and she continues to do more work.

Rebecca is an independent researcher. Her work centres around environmental politics and policymaking and their effects on the environment on a local and national level in the UK. “In 2009, I helped to establish Green Alliance’s Climate Leadership Programme, which since then, has worked with politicians to develop their understanding of climate change, and what it means for their role at both national and constituency level”.

Sustainable Build

Sustainable Build

The aim of this site is to promote environmentally friendly building. It contains informative, interesting and effective, readable articles on eco friendly building, building a carbon neutral home, and alternative energy sources for homes. Detailed answers have been provided on the site for audiences, as well as other comprehensive features that have been provided by experts. The site offers all the information anyone new to everything related to green building would want to know.

It does not matter if you are a complete beginner trying to find out what sustainable building is all about, or if you are already knowledgeable, either way, if you’re looking for some extra information, then this site is for you.

The Green Village


 The site is considered influential as it campaigns for a greener future and it focuses on all aspects of reducing the carbon footprint of individuals in the UK and around the world. Detailed information has been provided on this site in regards to a greener lifestyle. Being eco friendly and environmentally aware has been made easier by the many helpful and inspirational tips and advice have been provided on the site.

Thanks to everyone that participated during the process, and congratulations again to all blogs, individuals and organisations awarded.

For all the influential sites, blogs and individuals that have not been included this year we hope to include you all next time, or you are welcome to contacting us. See you next year. Cheers! 

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