Do You Qualify for a Gas Boiler Grant?
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Last updated: 14 March 2024

Who Qualifies for a Boiler Grant in 2024? Find Out if You Are Eligible

are you eligible for a boiler grant

Are you one of the many people wondering if you qualify for a free boiler grant in 2024? If so, you've come to the right place. Our service is dedicated to providing you with all the information you need to determine your eligibility and help you with the application process.

We understand that navigating the various requirements and regulations of boiler grant schemes can be daunting. So, if you're looking for a hassle-free way to determine if you qualify for a free boiler grant scheme in 2024, let's dive into it in detail.

In addition to information on boiler grants, we can help you get quotes for top-quality boilers that fit your home’s requirements. At GreenMatch, we offer a fast and personalized solution that connects you to our professional network of installers who can help you with installation. You can get up to 3 free quotes from our trusted installers with just a click of a button.

But that's not all. We also offer the added benefit of comparing quotes to ensure you get the best deal possible. And the best part? All our quotes come completely free and without any obligation; just click the button below now to get a free quote and take the first step towards a more comfortable and energy-efficient home.

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What is the UK government's ECO scheme?

UK ECO4 scheme

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme is a UK government initiative designed to help low-income households improve the energy efficiency of their homes. Energy companies fund the scheme and aim to reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty by providing financial assistance for energy-efficient home improvements.

One of the main focuses of the ECO scheme is to provide free boiler grants to eligible households. A new boiler can significantly improve a home's energy efficiency, reduce energy bills, and lower carbon emissions.

You must meet certain criteria to be eligible for a free boiler grant:

  1. You must be a homeowner or a private tenant, and your current boiler must be at least five years old.
  2. You must receive certain benefits, such as Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit, or Universal Credit.
  3. Your home must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D or below.

You can apply for a free boiler grant through the ECO scheme if you meet the eligibility criteria. The application process is straightforward and typically involves completing an online application form or contacting an approved ECO installer directly.

It's important to note that the free boiler grant scheme is not available to everyone. It's intended for those who genuinely need financial assistance to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. However, if you meet the eligibility criteria and your current boiler is inefficient, outdated, or faulty, you could be entitled to a free boiler replacement.

In addition to free boiler grants, the ECO scheme also offers funding for other energy-efficient home improvements, such as insulation, heating controls, and renewable energy systems. The aim is to help households reduce their energy bills, improve the comfort of their homes, and contribute to the UK's target of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Can I get a boiler grant for free?

If you're wondering whether you can get a free boiler grant. The answer could be yes. You may be eligible for financial assistance through the UK government's energy company obligation (ECO) scheme.

So, to qualify for a free boiler grant, you must meet certain eligibility criteria. The table below provides an overview of the different types of households that may be eligible for a free boiler grant under the ECO scheme:

Can I get a boiler for free?
Eligibility CriteriaHomeownersPrivate Tenants
Receive certain benefits, such as Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit, or Universal Credit
Current boiler is at least 15 years old
Home has an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D or below
Have a low income or are in receipt of specific means-tested benefits
Home has a broken or faulty boiler
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit

Looking at the table above, you should know whether you are eligible for the grant. Also, note the application process is straightforward and typically involves completing an online application form or contacting an approved ECO installer directly.

Do pensioners qualify for a free boiler?

Do pensioners qualify for a free boiler eco4

Pensioners are among the groups that can benefit from the UK government's free boiler grant scheme via ECO. The scheme is designed to help low-income households, including pensioners, to replace their inefficient boilers with more energy-efficient ones. This can help reduce their energy bills and warm their homes in winter. 

However, there are certain criteria that pensioners must meet in order to qualify for the grant. To find out if you, as a pensioner, are eligible for a free boiler grant, click on the following link for more information: [link to the new page about pensioners and free boiler grants].

Do single parents qualify for a free boiler?

Single parents are among the groups that may qualify for the UK government's free boiler grant scheme. The scheme is designed to help low-income households, including single-parent households, to replace their old and inefficient boilers with newer, more energy-efficient ones. This can help reduce energy bills and provide families with a more comfortable living environment.

You must meet certain eligibility criteria to qualify for a free boiler grant as a single parent. This includes being a homeowner or a tenant in a privately rented property and receiving certain qualifying benefits such as Income Support, Jobseeker's Allowance, or Working Tax Credit. You must also have a boiler that is inefficient and in need of replacement.

If you think you may be eligible for a free boiler grant as a single parent, it is crucial to act quickly. 

But wait, how do you get an expert to install your boiler? At GreenMatch we can help you. Simply fill out our form to receive up to 3 quotes from our network of boiler installation experts. Our team of reputable boiler installers is readily available in your area to provide you with a masterful job well done, ensuring you receive nothing but the best.

We understand the hassle of scouring the internet to determine the best installer for your boiler. Hence, we implore you to allow GreenMatch to assist you in this regard. Our services are free, and you are not obligated to accept any quotes received.

Rest assured that we are committed to providing you with the highest quality services and ensuring your utmost satisfaction. Kindly take advantage of this opportunity by clicking the button below and filling out a simple form.

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How much does a boiler grant cost?

 If you are considering a boiler replacement, you may be wondering about the cost of a boiler grant. While some households may be eligible for a free boiler replacement, others may only receive a partial subsidy from the government, and there are no fees or charges for the application process.

It's important to note that the cost of a boiler replacement can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the type of boiler, the size of your home, and the complexity of the installation.

Fortunately, options are available to help homeowners offset the cost of a new boiler. For example, the government's ECO4 scheme offers free boiler replacements to qualifying households while providing partial subsidies to others. Additionally, some energy suppliers also offer schemes to help homeowners with the cost of a boiler replacement.

So, by working with a qualified installer, you can determine which type of boiler is best for your home and also explore financing options that can help make the cost of a boiler replacement more manageable. Remember, acting quickly if your boiler needs to be replaced is important to ensure your home remains warm and comfortable. 

Eligibility criteria for other boiler grants in the UK

Apart from the ECO scheme mentioned on this page, there are other boiler grants available in the UK that homeowners and tenants may be eligible for. Let's take a closer look at each of these grants and their eligibility criteria:

Eligibility Criteria For Other UK Boiler Grants
GrantEligibility Criteria
0% VAT- Boiler must be installed in a home that is over 2 years old- Homeowners or tenants can apply- The household should be over 60 years of age
Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)- own the property you're applying for, whether it's your primary residence, a second home, or a rental property.- Boiler must be at least 15 years old and not working efficiently

The 0% VAT scheme is available to homeowners or tenants with a boiler that is over two years old. This grant covers the cost of a new boiler installation with a reduced VAT rate of 0%. This can save a significant amount of money on the total cost of a new boiler installation.

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is available to homeowners or tenants who receive certain benefits and have a boiler that is at least 15 years old and not working efficiently. This scheme provides a grant to cover the cost of upgrading to a more energy-efficient boiler, which can result in lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint.

In Northern Ireland, the Boiler Replacement Scheme was available till September 2023. This scheme provides a grant to cover the cost of a new boiler installation.

Altogether, these grants provide valuable assistance to homeowners and tenants who need to upgrade their boilers for energy efficiency and cost-saving reasons. These are the other best options if you are not eligible for an ECO grant or want to choose the one that suits you. By taking advantage of these grants, individuals can enjoy the benefits of a new, more efficient boiler without breaking the bank.

How do I apply for a boiler grant?

A simple roadmap for free boiler grant application: 

how do I apply for a boiler grant

Applying for a free boiler grant can be simple if you follow the right steps. Firstly, you will need to check if you are eligible for the grant. You can do this by visiting the government's website or contacting your local energy supplier. Once you have confirmed your eligibility, you will need to find an accredited installer who can carry out the installation for you.

Next, you must complete the application form, which you can do online or by post. The form will require you to provide information about your current boiler and heating system and your household income and benefits. It is important to ensure that you fill in all the required information accurately and honestly, as any incorrect information could result in your application being rejected.

After submitting your application, it will be reviewed by the relevant authorities to determine if you meet the criteria for the grant. If your application is successful, you will be notified, and arrangements will be made to install your new boiler. 

In some cases, you may be instructed to contribute towards the cost of the installation. However, this will depend on your individual circumstances and will be determined during the application process. But wait, how can you find the best installer to help you through the process?

We understand that your time is valuable and your schedule may be hectic. That's why we are delighted to provide you with a reputable platform to facilitate the connection between you and a professional installer in your area.

Our process is simple yet efficient. By completing our form, which takes only a few minutes, you will receive up to 3 quotes from our handpicked installers. This feature lets you compare and choose the best deal that suits your needs.

It is important to note that our service is completely free of charge, and you are not obligated to accept any of the quotes you receive. This way, you can explore the options available to you without feeling any undue pressure. So, if you want to explore boiler grants or installation, please click the button below to get started.

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